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Super Skunk auto (SS) help....

Hello people :tiphat:

Just ordered some beans of the Super Skunk automatic (Sensi Seeds), and had a few short questions:

1 - Size of the pots ( i know i should do some transplants, i was thinking on using 5-6 liters pots for the last transplant)
2 - 24 hours or less time per day ?
3 - Clonable ?

Did someone had tryed these beans, or the auto skunk ones ?

Any info will be very thankful...
:ying: Kind Regards :ying:


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
Hello people :tiphat:

Just ordered some beans of the Super Skunk automatic (Sensi Seeds), and had a few short questions:

1 - Size of the pots ( i know i should do some transplants, i was thinking on using 5-6 liters pots for the last transplant)
2 - 24 hours or less time per day ?
3 - Clonable ?

Did someone had tryed these beans, or the auto skunk ones ?

Any info will be very thankful...
:ying: Kind Regards :ying:

I don't know anything about this strain you mention. But I usually start my seeds in a rapid rooter, peat puck, rockwool etc... then once they come up I put them into red plastic beer party cups and once they sex I put them into final pots which are usually 2-3 gallon size.

A true autoflower should flower on 24/7 so then you can use any light schedule you want to so it fits your needs. If you can not be sure of perfect dark go 24/7 if you can go 18/6 or 20/4.

Sure you can clone them but once it roots it is just going to continue on flowering and you get alittle finger size plant that is a bud. A true auto cannot go back into veg.



first of all autos are a waste of time you will get no dencty to your flowers they will look good but you will notice the buds wont tigthen up this is due to the ruderalas involved in making a auto its just another plot to sell seed no one growing to get a good crop for your head or to sell will be happy with these ive grown hundreds of autos doing test on them and everyone had these caricteristics. i dont no why anyone would need to grow a auto unless you lived far north but if your growing inside you definatly dont want to waste your time with these plants they are worthless

this is my last auto grow: Big D. from sweet seeds, 90g. cured. the main cola alone is 40g. of rock hard buds.

stay well...




first of all autos are a waste of time you will get no dencty to your flowers they will look good but you will notice the buds wont tigthen up this is due to the ruderalas involved in making a auto its just another plot to sell seed no one growing to get a good crop for your head or to sell will be happy with these ive grown hundreds of autos doing test on them and everyone had these caricteristics. i dont no why anyone would need to grow a auto unless you lived far north but if your growing inside you definatly dont want to waste your time with these plants they are worthless
You have NO grow pics, NO grow journals, Never got a freebie seed from SeedBoutique to germ, and pretty much EVERY post you've made has disparaged something or somebody related to the cannabis scene. Why do you keep coming here, and are you 12? Plse, there are plenty of sites that will feed trolls like you, probably make you a mod. Why not just go there, and stop trying to interrupt the grownups with your nonstop bullshit. You go on "ignore", I don't care if you respond to me, save your breath. Fucking wannabe.


I'm with you SpayceRayce. This doobie413 is a complete mental midget/idiot. Autoflowers aren't for everyone but for some of us for various reasons are perfect. But what are you going to do, haters are gonna hate.
Due to my situation I can no longer grow indoors or outdoors at this time. I have a small greenhouse 8'x10' in my backyard and for the last three winters have been testing various autoflowering strains. I am very impressed so far with most strains although there have been some duds. Some strains that have been very good are as follows: FastBud #1, Speed Devil #1, Russian Rocket Fuel, White Dwarf, Himilaya Blue Diesel, and a strain I got as a free seed from G13 seeds White Russian Auto which yield wise rivaled many indoor plants I have grown and potency wise was top notch. This White Russian Auto was never released though as have been trying to get for over a year to try again.
Some that were not so impressive: FastBud #2, Speed Devil #2, EasyRyder, although I only grew out these plants a couple of times. It may have just been that seed run or the micro climate of my greenhouse and these strains may do great indoors.
Currently I am growing Red Dwarf, MicroMachine and Russian Rocket Fuel this winter. The Red Dwarf is looking very impressive. The MicroMachine is a free seed that I got in a seed order, and has just been above ground for about 5 days. The Russian Rocket Fuel is a favorite of mine and I had some older seeds I did not want to go to waste.
I can only grow during the winter months in my greenhouse due to heat and humidity issues May - Oct. I cannot afford a "Swamp Cooler" for this greenhouse which is what I need. Autoflowering strain are perfect for my situation as I do not have to worry about light cycles during the winter months. Although my plants probably do not grow as big during the winter due to shortened light cycles and my yield probably suffers. But for me I am only growing for the enjoyment of it and the small amount of bud for personal useis a nice perc. Well I am rambling on, that happens when you wake and bake. TTL.