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summertime madness

The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
ok guys i live in the southern US in the central time zone and aparently slept right through spring. is there any chance i could take some fem clones outdoors in early july? i have a couple mothers vegging now and will have my first clippings rooted for indoors soon, next batch of cuttings will be taken tomorrow, some i would like to take outside to flower. should i veg indoors for a while or take them out when they root? how ya think they will respond? :confused:


Active member
they'll flower, just get them outdoor withing the next month, that is if you wanted to veg outdoors aswelll.
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Go for it man...they wont start flowering until mid-late july. Just harden them off a little before you put them out :joint: . You should have a good 30 days of veg or so if you get them outside in the next few days/weeks.

The Dopest

[THC] True Hippie Coonass
the clones are in the bubble cloner this minute, the strain is a hybrid i made crossing a Master Kush female and a Skunk#1 male. still not sure if i should veg under the 400w hps untill the time is right to flower, then go outside or just say f-it and takem out upon rooting and let them veg under the Natural HPS (Hot Phuckin Sun)
thanks for the responses though!
The Dopest said:
the clones are in the bubble cloner this minute, the strain is a hybrid i made crossing a Master Kush female and a Skunk#1 male. still not sure if i should veg under the 400w hps untill the time is right to flower, then go outside or just say f-it and takem out upon rooting and let them veg under the Natural HPS (Hot Phuckin Sun)
thanks for the responses though!

that will be an interesting cross. give a smoke report when you harvest and cure the crop.

I would suggest you grow them indoors until they are at least 15 centimeters (6 inches) tall, to allow the plants to grow and become more fibrous, which is less tasty to animals than young tender seedlings. IOW, the larger you grow them, the less likely animals will eat them.

Does anyone have some more official information on this?


more official information on the animals eating your young plants? well I know thats true cuz last year i put some seedlings outside with only two little leaves and they got eating a week later by damn rabbits, later on i put some plants that were about 8 inches in the same spot and no problems, take the extra precautions if you put them out young though to put chickenwire around them and try to get something to keep predators away, better safe than sorry with the ganja.
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