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Sugar Blossom F2

Hello again interested coco farmers! 10 Sugar Blossom seeds just started a 24 hour soak in pHed water. Tomorrow they hit the paper towels, then it's into 16 oz cups of recycled botanicare coco that is currently enjoying the third day of soak in hygrozyme. The coco is being recycled due to not wanting to rinse and then pH balance anymore coco. This will only be the second run for this coco and I'll know for sure that the salts initially present in the coco are rinsed out. Anyway pics are sure to be included so follow along and see if we can coax these seeds to their full potential.
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By the way...

By the way...

...for information on nutes schedule, lighting, etc... See the thread I posted on PK from SR-71.
6 of 10 in 48 hrs

6 of 10 in 48 hrs

So the soaking lasted 24 hours and 9 sank which usually is a good indicator as to how many will germinate. At 48 hours six had the root showing and went into 16 oz plastic cups treated with pHed water with Superthrive added. The remaining seeds are in the paper towels on a heating mat; the planted seeds under a 224W CFL. Pics soon!


Awesome...I'm gonna tag this thread as I got 20 of those beans in storage. I bought a bunch to hopefully make some F3's.

BTW - as far as I know Joey's beans are F2's from Brothers Grimm F1 stock.


New member
Vik, your timing couldn't be better on this. I hope it goes well. I'm a noob who's interested in diving into my first project and this is the strain I'm most interested in. I have heard good things about all the JW stuff. You will be my mentor because I have a few supplies left to acquire and then i'll be embarking right behind you... maybe like 4 weeks. So, I apologize ahead of time for all the questions I'm going to ask on this thread. Starting with germination... :headbange

What's the best proven method to get things fired up? I see you dropped your seeds into ph'd water drowning them? Can you do it that way? I was planning to use damp rockwool cubes inside a makeshift plasticwrap greenhouse.

Here's my setup...

large tupperware bin for dwc hydro method (in a closet)
I'm setting the bin up for 6 plants, but if I get 3 keepers I'll be happy
germinating in rockwool then moving the cubes to hydroton
400 watt mh for veg & hps for flower
haven't bought my nutes yet
air circulation & odor control all in the works

Again, this will be my first go and I've done my homework enough that I feel very confident about the grow itself but it's the propagation and the harvesting I really need more info on.

Thanks for any tips you can give me and I'm sorry for my long msg here, I didn't mean to invade your thread with my onslaught of questions and all-around nooby ignorance. I really look forward to seeing how your grow goes man! Grow bro, grow!

Hello Hydrobro!

Hello Hydrobro!

Well, I consider myself a noob as well. I have learned a lot from experience but these Sugar Blossom will be my sixth go round in the last 15 months. I have gone from ebb and flow coco to top feeding and from Flora Nova nutes to House and Garden. The flora nova worked great, I just wanted something that was coco specific and so far I am happy with the House and Garden. I will, though, lend as much help as possible as I have received a lot of help here and we can all build on our collective knowledge. It was really hard to decide which of JW strains I wanted to try and so I resorted to a dartboard of sorts and chose the Sugar Blossom as a result. I already plan on running the a11xAK47 next though as once again you can't here anything bad about it. Also this is only my third grow from seed. The 24 hour soaking just helps pop the shell of the seed once this happens they fill with water and sink at which time they need to be moved either to paper towels or directly in the growing medium. I choose to use the paper towels because them you can see the root tip develop and then when planting them orient the little girl with the root headed in the right direction. Many people (like clowntown for example) seed right into the coco with out soaking or anything and get good results, although clowntown says they take 5-7 days to sprout when planted directly and my are above coco at 36+ hours. So the choice is yours. As for the JW seeds being F2's that is absolutely correct and I don't know how that slipped my attention for so long?! Can I edit the thread title to correct that? If so please let me know how.
Anyway, it looks like I'll have company for this journey,
2 More!

2 More!

I just checked and two more are ready to hit the coco, so so far we have seen an 80% germination rate, but I expect that the ninth sinker isn't far behind the others. The six (soon to be 8) that are planted are now under the CFL. I am very excited to be growing from seed!!!
No root tip from the last two yet. I think this spells bad news for them but an 80% germ rate is acceptable. The last two planted showed be up and around today, so I'll get some pics of their scrawny asses when they do!


So, I let the coco get a bit too dry and two fell over. Of those 1 look like she'll make it the other does not look promising and one looks too retarded to live. So it appears that 6 of the 10 will be moving forward from here.



I have heard good things about all the JW stuff.
For good reason as Joey's stuff is excellent across the board. Inexpensive, high quality genetics.

Hey Viktor...have you nuted those little things yet? I've been running clones for a few years and recently got back into sprouting beans. I started out not nuting them very much at all but seems they can handle , and like, more than I thought or have heard.
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5 dead, 2 OK, 1 unaffected...

5 dead, 2 OK, 1 unaffected...

So, 5 died. I just read a thread by Stikky Budz saying he was having the same problem and it was due to not feeding them. I started feeding them 2 days ago and they are looking much better. This is my first seed grow in some time so I guess I should be happy with the three. Hopefully I get a great mother in there! Well to fill in the gaps of the dead I popped 6 seeds from a special cross. They are Blockheadx(Northern LightsxLeopard Kush)xPure Kush. They are officially 13 days behind the Sugar Blossom, but with the problems they have gone through I think they will be ready along the same time line. I am going to try and have the thread title changed to include these new additions and make it easier for people who want to follow the news additions to find.
Till the Next Time,
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Well I'm here with an update! Sorry for the absence but I needed to take a break from watching everything so closely. When I get excited my ADD kicks in, and time crawls. This can be exceptionally significant I've found when waiting for seeds to grow! But grow they have.

This photo is of the 3 Sugar Blossom that have been transplanted into their final home: 2 gallon net bottom pots. The plant in the top right of the photo is called Golden Green from a club in Santa Rosa. It is going to be a mother if the other ones flowering now produce a good product. Anyway, the SB look great after a bit of trouble due to overfeeding. I decided to grow all 3 into mothers and then take clones to flower as I am searching for the one keeper female and then I'll make f3's with the male I hope to find. With that in mind I topped those 3 but branching has not increased. I have read that topping White Widow is not encouraged so I guess we'll see. On the 26th of this month the SB will be two months old and ready to clone. Hopefully there are plenty of clones to take.

The next photo is of the blockhead crosses. They suffered a little overfert too. Two look good but I will pick 3 to transplant tomorrow. They are being treated the same as the SB: Mother-->Clone-->Seeds.

So, I will update again when I take the clones.


Looking good so far. I'm not familiar with Widow so really looking forward to how these do for ya. I have heard they can be nute sensitive. Interesting info on the topping thing. I've heard that about Chronic.


Sorry about being so lax! I had alot happen since the last update... So both of the blockhead crosses I got germed and started were males, so I hacked them down. I did get a male SB and made F3s so I will have seeds as a backup plan to the mother. Other than that male SB I had two females which I had to wait about 2 months to sex and clone. Once flowering I picked the mother I labeled "A" to keep and got rid of the other although I still have her progeny flowering. The "B" mother was very nute sensitive not as frosty and quite a lot less dense. Also she was a bitch to clone taking about 3x as long. Anyway, so I pollinated the "A" clones. Didn't have much of a choice on the father so hopefully he produces some decent beans. Making these seeds is why I decided not to pollinate with the blockhead fathers. There was a chance that once returned to the flowering chamber that the pollen might get mixed and I wanted to maintain definite genetics. So I will run this mother for a few cycles while I pop more of those beans (which apparently are producing dank buds!) and search for that mother and another father as I don't want to lose those genetics either. Pics will follow shortly. I hope to get a camera that shows better how great all these grows are doing.
Till then,