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Stupid Question


Active member
Ok guys, being a newb wouldn't be complete without asking a stupid question so here goes: Many seeds I look at on SD say they are for indoor growing. I mainly grow outdoors. What is the difference? I'm wanting to try Big Bud x Northern Lights and maybe some others.

I'm also going to grow all feminized seed so I don't waste time and money on males. Next year I will be setup with a 400 watt MH and will clone and force the sex on my plants so I can grow a better variety. I could really use some advice so put yer bowl down and type something helpful! :confused:


Basement Garden Gnome
Not Stupid at all tokenjoe.
Quick answer
Outdoor seeds are bred Outdoors, and Inside Strains bred indoors, the plants are use to the enviroment they are bred in.
Some do well in or out just by thier own nature, Some Outdoor do not do well indoors, unless you have ROOM LIGHT AND TIME. Not many of us do.
Some Indoor wont do well outside, but you sure can grow them outdoors. Just may not live up to your expectations, most all Plants do Better Outside, Varmints and Illness aside.

There are people here who can give a better answer than i have.
But thats it in a nut shell.


full time daddy
sin just about said 100%......................id say 99.9% :moon:


the thing i would look at for outdoor's.......is what woiuld do best where your growing.

ie. temp,hummidty lighting hr's (how long of a season do you have.)
things like that. if you have a super short season why try a sativa it will never be done. if you have a super hot summer go with sumthing like the ducksfoot or durben poison rather then sumthing that might die in 95 deg weather.

id do your reaseach on how it will grow in your city,town,hills where ever you plan to put the plant...... :joint:


Another thing you might want too consider that noone has mentioned and is a huge factor outdoors is :eek: MOLD or BUD ROT...Some huge yeilders, with big fat dense buds will be MOLD magnets. Not nearly as big an issue indoors but can ruin you outside. Especially if you have a wet summer or fall, like most on the east coast of the US had this past summer, with all the hurricanes and tropical systems....


Active member
We were in a drought a few years ago and I cursed it every time I carried water to my plants in 90+ degree weather. I found out the last two years, and yes last year with all the damn Hurricanes that I'd rather tote water than deal with the rain! I didn't have any bud rot but the caterpillars got me on 3/4 of my shit. Gonna Dipel their ass this year.

My problem is where I grow outdoors when I fuck up or the bugs/rain fucks me up, it takes me a year to make adjustments. Too much time lost. I'm glad I found this site, you guys have your shit together and seem to have been there and done it twice. I'll be asking lots of questions, hope you have lots of answers. :smile:


The only stupid question is an unasked question.

If you honestly do not know the answer, than it is a honest question and many will reply to it.

All has been said that I would say. I hope you the best.

grow safe.


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I would repeat what 00420 said about trying to find out what will do well with your specific clamatic conditions in your area, ask any1 u know whos grow, or ask about strains when u buying. IM already on the case for this next season, decided on some Biddy early from Magus, maybe get something else, then im gonna have a shit-load of clones of everything im growing, have a few plots ready, then I'll have a few of each strain in each plot and see what does the best. Going for a tree in the back garden too, as our hedges are so high, eve though we would be overlooked from all sides by our nieghbours, coz of the 16 foot hedges, iots private, lol, even on a council estate, hehehe. IO read something about ppl having been putting plants in pots up trees to keep em from eye level, was thinking of trying a clone or 2 that way too, I think it was sposed to be in Gainsville where thay wewre doing it. Im a bit dubious about it but hell, it's worth a try, i got cuttings coming outta my ass so I nothin to lose,lol.


Active member

Thanks bro. I agree


I've heard of guys doing the same thing. Putting it up in the trees. I've got enough places on the ground to keep me busy as hell, much less if I put it higher...lol I've been growing a dank Sativa but I only have the one strain. I'm probably going to try 3 more. I'm just a little undecided. I have some freebie S.Afr.DP x Skunk, POK Kush x White Giant and Fem Northern Lights x Big Bud.


the dp x skunk will do great outside mate!

dont worry so much about mold, just spritz with serenade and you'll be good to go

dipel will cure most critters, introduce some ladybugs into your garden as a preventative measure as well.

surrounding your plants with a mesh screen also helps, building sort of a greenhouse out of 2x4 and screen door netting still lets light in but wont let bugs land on your plants you can build a door into the mesh screen to get in and out easily as well using velcro

cut a piece out of the center of the screen and use some spray adhesive to attach the velcro and go this type of "greenhouse" is great if you're growing on your own property but not so hot if youre a guerilla type outdoors man a good way to determine the height of the thing should be max height of the plant you're estimating (height into flower x 3 is a good rule of thumb) + 1.5 ft


New member
sometimes outdoors is too harsh for indoor strains. some strains are really picky about the conditions they will grow in.


Active member
Baaaaaaadmofo!!!!!! Shutchoe mouth!!!! lol been wanting to say that...hehe Thanks bro, ima check the thread out..


Active member
Ah, I read that one. Due to LEO Ima stay a little more on the stealthy side...I've decided to put out all clones...That way I'm watering and caring for females..I just gotta settle on a strain..I just received some AK-47 seeds from a contest I won on another site. I have no idea how they gonna do outdoors. I've also gotten a digi camera so this year is the first I can chronicle my grow. Get ready mofo's cause I'm gonna have lots of pics and prob. lots of ???'s as well...HOG, thanks for helpin a brotha out. Peace... :canabis:
If you plant it...it will grow...I have found that any plant will grow outside..with a little TLC...the best thing to do is get them going inside...floro's will do the trick...try to match your inside lighting schedule with what's happening outside..this way when you do get them under the sun, the ladies will be accustomed to the enviroment(sp)..also get a fan on them when they are inside to strengthen the stems up...stay safe..


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