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Strain Recommendations For Northern Gardens



Hello All,
I am doing some planning for next spring, and I want to gather some new genetics this winter. I am growing in the midwest between 43N and 45N. Things I have done in past include KC36, KC39, Durban Poison, and Swiss Miss. Looking to do a little upgrading, any ideas? Smaller plants are ideal, but wouldn't mind some fast indica/sat crosses! :confused: Thanks in advance.

oops forgot to add what I have access to now: Hashberry, Speed Queen, White Satin, AK47 f2's, Sensi Star x Skunk#1.
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Active member


I would definately do the hashberry and speedqueen..I would also look at Donkey dick from west coast seeds,via Legends seed Co.It is a rock solid outdoor performer that was bred on Vancouver Is. about 20yrs ago.It is one of my main outdoor strains.It packs a whalloping stone and a huge yield...it get's so little appreciation that I'm just baffled !!


Thank You Very Much Skunkenstein,
I can find Donkey Dick at the Dr.'s site, but it has no descriptions. Can you tell me when it is ready and approx. yeild? I also see it at Legends for much cheaper, but they are in B.C. Has anyone in the U.S. successfully ordered from Legends?? I heard Canada to U.S. is really tough to get thru. Thanks again, Mycall


Active member
Great luck w/Legends

Great luck w/Legends

Well I'm sitting here right now with 16 Lui beans..that came to me in 3 weeks flat via legends..very excited about that !! Well I think I'm the North American expert on the Donkey strain..I probobly have the most beans aswell..I have tinkerd with it alot over a 6yr.period.It's taken many shapes and forms for me and been grown in many mediums.The end product is always the same..very stoney..demand always outpaces supply!! I will admit,it is a outdoor strain by all means.You absolutely cannot slow this plant down...I've tried !!The plant finishes up always buy last week in Sept. I usually chop Oct 1-7...Lookin for alittle 'AMBER' tRICH.The best yield I've ever had was 14oz.dried and cured..most plants ave. 8oz. I always sex indoors,then transplant outside in Mid-May..3months Veg.-2months flower.The plant responds well to topping..each new branch forms another huge cola.Without topping the plant grows a massive single cola with 4-6 decent side branches.Outdoors the strain will hit 8ft.tall unpruned.It also is very mold resistant...compared to other strains.Indoors the plant really grows too tall to be managable..even with cuttings.But...it is very strong,needing very little support..maybe 1 pole.The strain is predominately Himalayan Indica,with ??? I'm guesing Skunk...Since the plant came from Vancouver Is. 20yrs ago. Well thats my two cents...good luck!!!