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Stoners Against Legalization Desperately Lying About Ohio Issue 3


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Don E. Wirtshafter has now taken to blatantly lying about Issue 3, the amendment to legalize marijuana in Ohio.
Right out of the gate, he opens with the Illegal Non-Store Ounce Lie that was promulgated by the No on I-502 crowd in Washington in 2012. Wirtshafter writes:
"If Issue 3 passes and you are caught on the street carrying anything other than sealed packets of the cartel's inferior, factory-grown product, today's harsh laws will still apply."
It's a nearly identical prophecy to No on I-502's Steve Elliott, who wrote:
"Unless you bought that ounce at a state-licensed store, you'd still get busted."
The result? Not only has nobody in Washington State been busted for possession of a non-store ounce, 63 percent fewer prosecutions for ALL marijuana crimes have transpired in Washington since passing I-502. Not only did the less-than-an-ounce people avoid police, so did many of the more-than-an-ounce people, since the smell of weed is no longer probable cause.
And that's in a state that doesn't allow home grow. Issue 3 will allow home grow in Ohio. So, how is the police officer supposed to know that the quarter-ounce in the baggie in your pocket isn't a) your home grown marijuana, b) a friend's home grown marijuana he's legally allowed to share with you, or c) store-bought marijuana that was taken out of the package and shared with the person holding it?
Issue 3 doesn't legalize store-bought marijuana; it legalizes marijuana, period. Look it up yourself. It says, "It is lawful for persons 21 years of age or older to purchase, possess, transport, use and share with another person 21 years of age or older one ounce or less of marijuana or its equivalent in marijuana-infused products." Do you see store-bought in its original packaging anywhere in there?
"As a lawyer," Don, you just committed a breach of ethics.
Aside from the opening lie, Wirtshafter continues painting a nightmare scenario of corporate marijuana unleashed that bears little resemblance to the reality of large, factory grows currently operating in Washington and Colorado, beginning with the Corporate Marijuana Will Suck Prediction.
"Issue 3 will supply Ohioans with factory-grown schwag," he predicts. "Profit-motivated Issue 3 backers are planning to grow in huge, very likely bug-, mold- and mildew-prone factories. ... They will be miserable places to work in. With only second-class products available in the stores, the black market for quality products will continue to thrive. The result will be continuing arrests and spiraling costs of enforcement."
I remember when I heard something similar from No on I-502's Steve Sarich: ""If you're happy to pay $600-$700 an ounce for 'legal' state schwag to help fund 'social services', like more law enforcement to enforce this new law, just come right out and admit it."
I've toured some of the largest industrial grows in Washington and Colorado. I've never seen happier employees and cleaner grows. I've smoked their "factory-grown schwag" and it's dynamite. It's truly a feat of logical contortion to fear monger about the "schemers" who are "all about the money" who would then set up sub-standard operations to produce an inferior product that would be beaten out by the black market (and the thousands of home growers) and blow their investment.
No, the real fear Wirtshafter is voicing is that of the black market growers who know they cannot compete with the price, selection, and quality of a legalized market. Even in Colorado and Washington, getting into the growing-at-scale game takes a lot of money. At least Wirtshafter is honest about the amendment initially establishing grow right for ten properties, not "ten growers". That deceit has been difficult to maintain since many of the landowners have signed agreements to lease parcels for independent growers.
Then Wirtshafter follows with the It's Etched In Granite Warning, which is always funny when we're talking about an amendment. "The Ohio Legislature has no power to repair the onerous provisions of this power grab," writes Wirtshafter. "The only way to fix Issue 3 is another constitutional amendment."
So, the legislature had no power to fix Issue 3 after 2015, but somehow, they had the power this year to put the Issue 2 amendment on the ballot to completely invalidate Issue 3. What, then, is stopping the legislature in 2016 from putting forth an amendment to fix Issue 3?
Ah, yes, the power of the "monopoly". "With Issue 3's backers making their projected hundreds of millions of dollars per year," Wirtshafter predicts, "they will be able to spend whatever is necessary to prevent Ohio citizens from removing their stranglehold over Ohio's production." So, the money-grubbing cartel, which is losing money hand-over-fist because people would rather buy non-pesticide, non-bug, non-mildew, non-schwag from the black market, will spend massive amounts of money to keep the stranglehold they don't have. And the people who hate this arrangement will be swayed by their ad buys. OK...
Then there's the Only That Much Marijuana Isn't Enough Ploy. Here, Wirtshafter argues that Ohio Issue 3's "Four plants and eight ounces is not enough" for home growing and that getting a license to home grow will be forcing citizens to "grant permission for government inspections of their homes."
Nothing in the amendment authorizes home inspections. Rather, like other states that allow home growing for all adults or for medical purposes, it requires "homegrown marijuana is not grown or consumed within public view and that home-growing takes place in an enclosed, locked space inaccessible to persons under the age of 21."
Then Wirtshafter doubles down on the Illegal Non-Store Ounce Lie, writing, "Only monopoly marijuana contained in its original, sealed container is legal outside your home," and that "I doubt felony arrests and costs for legal enforcement will go down under Issue 3." That reminds me of when No on I-502's Douglas Hiatt foretold, "The 10,000 possession arrests per year can easily be converted into 10,000 (or more) DUI arrests." (By the way, that didn't even come close to happening.)
Finally, Wirtshafter weakly bats away the fact that Issue 3 will provide relief for hundreds of thousands of medical marijuana patients, with not only a medicine that won't be taxed and must be sold at the lowest wholesale cost, but with protection for administering medical marijuana at work that no other state provides. "Issue 3 pandering itself as medical has split the pro-cannabis community," Wirtshafter intones. "Some people are so desperate for freedom that they are willing to give up all rights to a new master."
Or, maybe, just maybe, some parents are hoping the old-school Yippies don't blow this chance at getting some CBD oil for their dying epileptic daughter because a "long-time leader in cannabis reform" is upset that winning elections costs money these days.
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ICMag Donor
I-502 in Washington is a disaster for small time MMJ growers. July is when the new rules take effect...


Active member
I-502 in Washington is a disaster for small time MMJ growers. July is when the new rules take effect...

It wasn't I-502 but rather what the legislature did afterwards.

WA is an outlier in the legalization effort.

Wirtshafter is a concern troll. His only valid point is wrt possession limits for home growers. It's bad law because it ignores the reality of growing & provides capricious enforcement opportunities. Sooner or later nearly all personal growers will be in technical violation at some point in the growing cycle.

paper thorn

Active member
At least Wirtshafter is honest about the amendment initially establishing grow right for ten properties, not "ten growers". That deceit has been difficult to maintain since many of the landowners have signed agreements to lease parcels for independent growers.

so how does a regular guy get in on this? You say 'many', How many of the 10 landowners are leasing property to the 'growing' public?


Active member
so how does a regular guy get in on this? You say 'many', How many of the 10 landowners are leasing property to the 'growing' public?

Ohio is different than any states that have legalized because they don't have MMJ beforehand. The whole effort is organized differently.


It's hard to say what it will take to get into it on a legal commercial basis but it will likely involve considerable investment that small growers really don't have unless they can come up with investors.

Needing a license for personal growing is different & may carry some level of official bullshit with it, dunno. The anonymity of personal growing here in CO is advantageous to all growers, of course, greatly inhibiting LEO from playing games. There's less risk for growers who aren't strictly legal.


Ohio is different than any states that have legalized because they don't have MMJ beforehand. The whole effort is organized differently.


It's hard to say what it will take to get into it on a legal commercial basis but it will likely involve considerable investment that small growers really don't have unless they can come up with investors.

Needing a license for personal growing is different & may carry some level of official bullshit with it, dunno. The anonymity of personal growing here in CO is advantageous to all growers, of course, greatly inhibiting LEO from playing games. There's less risk for growers who aren't strictly legal.

Responsible Ohio addressed this concern. There is nothing in Issue 3 that forfeits your 4th or 2nd amendment rights. I'm not sure how case law will evolve with smells and other aspects. I would think that since all gardens give a smell, it won't be sufficient cause for the law to gain entry into your operation.


Active member
Responsible Ohio addressed this concern. There is nothing in Issue 3 that forfeits your 4th or 2nd amendment rights. I'm not sure how case law will evolve with smells and other aspects. I would think that since all gardens give a smell, it won't be sufficient cause for the law to gain entry into your operation.

I noticed it was different than here in CO & wondered if it might lead to some different outcomes. It's hard to predict what they might or might not be. I do like being unlicensed, anonymous & legal. I also like no potential hassles over keeping what I can grow.

There seems to be a little more trick bag potential in the Ohio proposal but I'd vote for it if I lived there.


Oh, by the way - RadicalRuss got threatened with a lawsuit and was forced to succumb to CENSORSHIP by pharma (Wirtshafer/GW Pharmaceuticals).

News about this is on RO's facebook page.

Here's his new piece on the subject.. http://radicalruss.com/ohio-stoners-against-legalization-recycling-washington-no-on-i-502-scare-tactics/

Fear mongering, shill, media manipulation in the presentation of the Issue 2 "trojan horse"...

NAACP rejected endorsement so I put a nice pic of Harry J. Anslinger saying "Marihuana makes darkies look at white women twice" on their Facebook page.
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Slaying the Ohio Prohibition Zombie
Responsible Ohio is NOT the cartel – they are.

So who’s the real cartel, Ohio? How about the prohibitionists and their special interests that prefer to keep a black market of violence, murder, and robbery. They want to keep it to throw innocent people in cages, fine them, seize their property, spy on them, invade their houses, seize their kids, shoot their pets, throw them in paid rehabs, and more.

About https://www.facebook.com/noonissue3/

These are all paid lobbyist shills. they represent different groups that have a vested interest in prohibition. Issue 2 and “monopoly” are their attack, much like Harry J. Anslinger the father of prohibition at the Bureau of Narcotics called cannabis “marihuana” to make it sound Mexican and scare people into banning it. I’m willing to bet some billionaire with interests like Sheldon Adelson bought out as much support as possible on the We’re Voting No list. Also what is this on the NAACP coming out against Issue 3 when prohibition was based entirely off of racism? Their statement to FOX8 news was the same “save the kids” that’s the often repeated unfounded nonsense used by almost everybody involved with No on 3.

They are fighting hard, but are they fighting hard enough? The anti’s are deceiving and manipulating everybody trying to influence a “no” vote on Issue 3 while also tricking people into voting for the Issue 2 trojan horse (cleverly disguised as an ‘anti-monopoly’ amendment). Dishonest lying crooks! It is funny that some people in Ohio think that a homebrewn initiative can just come out of the woodwork and legalize without a solid campaign. A lot of them KNOW this and are just saying that to trick you. They say they want to keep waiting. A monster campaign too! $40,000,000 and counting just to kill the prohibition zombie. Mainstream media outlets have concealing Issue 2 by only telling half the truth about this trojan horse to defeat democratic process in future legalization attempts by ballot.

Kill that thing DEAD! There’s more selfish babies crying about it too. As @radicalruss tweeted: “All this RO haterade is the nexus of illegal growers’ greed, Occupy Wall Street whining, and magical lottery thinking.” With globalization and federalization you won’t even have to buy cannabis in Ohio. A win for Ohio will set a chain reaction and build momentum for legalization. Precisely what a Stoner Against Legalization or person with a stock portfolio profiting off of whole plant marijuana being illegal detests. Think about the big picture.

People need to wake up on this issue. Ohio is NOT Colorado. The state is heavily fortified with a very anti-cannabis legislature, medical system, prison/jail complex, police organizations, etc. and they are fighting very aggressively. If you want medical marijuana, this is your last opportunity. Do not rely on the scoundrel politicians to have compassion for the sick. Twitter buzz for “yes on 3” looks positive. $40,000,000+ to fight the Stoners Against Legalization, the prohibitionists, the lobbies, the special interests, the corrupt politicians, etc in Ohio.What a pain! Kill that prohibition zombie dead by voting No on 2 and Yes on 3!

Here’s one of their “legions” hurling deceptive brains at at the masses by engaging in fear mongering tactics: http://www.columbusunderground.com/issue-3-ohio-dw1

Wirtshafter, who has come out with this piece to deceive and trick voters has a noted interest in GW Pharmaceutical and as a lawyer – defending cannabis arrests. The black market lovers and people holding interest in cannabis being illegal who never want to leave their criminal or corrupt behaviors behind desire to keep the police arresting innocent cannabis users to satisfy their own self interests. Wirtshafter is among the worst of the bunch. A blogger named Russ Belville came forward with an article against Wirtshafter’s statements, calling them lies. Wirtshafter came back and threatened to sue Russ for libel. Russ’ article was removed from Huffington Post after legal bullying from Wirtshafter and the original article has been backed up here and here.

Russ did a new piece which details the experience of the pharma Don lawyer bullying him here, along with the fear mongering tactics recycled from Washington’s I-502 and Colorado’s Amendment 64. The GW Pharmaceuticals Sativex is the same product the United Kingdom Parliament wants to substitute instead of whole plant cannabis for its people. Again, this is some kind of corruption in world governments. The last United Kingdom debate which collected over 200,000 signatures ended with false orchestrations of artificial ‘science’ half truths. In conclusion, the recalcitrant parliament wasn’t even willing to be reasonable on the subject. They ignored truth and what the people wanted. This practice of corruption in the world must come to an end.

I want to see a dead prohibition zombie after the Novemer 3rd elections of Ohio. I think it is on its last legs and can be shot down pretty easily. Just vote No on 2 and Yes on 3 and shoot it in the head already. We can then move on to the rest of the nation and the world!

Read Wirtshafter’s wall ->https://www.facebook.com/don.wirtshafter?fref=ts You can see he is being shamed by some of his followers/friends, but he doesn’t care. Actually it looks like he removed the comments. He has no empathy for what he is doing to Americans. The Stoners Against Legalization crowd always has some conjured up reason to say no. You cannot reason with them at all – shame on them. In their own selfishness they would rather deprive countless sick people of valuable whole-plant cannabis medicine, continue arrests and prosecutions, and fill our jails.

Here’s a list of Twitter trolls against marijuana legalization in Ohio: @stonejo @OhioGanja @CheesersDurden @TimRussoCLE @MrJustinFought seems to be the trolliest of them all. He has very few followers, so nobody really cares.

The guy fighting for legalization in Ohio (good guy) ->https://twitter.com/ianajames

alzheimers cancer cannabinoids corruption federalize free the tree global industry interests interstate commerce legal bullying lobbies medical marijuana monster neuroprotectant no on 2 ohio pain pain relief politicians politics prohibition research science unodc unodc memo leak worldwide yes on 3 zombie
RE: Slaying the Ohio Prohibition Zombie
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Well-known member
Issue 3 was a bad proposal. People in OH said no to it. But there is overwhelming support for legalization, at least on the medical side.

Older voters voted no, as well as younger. They didn’t want the control in the hands of a few. This may be a result of what happened with the casino issue a few years ago...it was a constitutional amendment which resulted in benefits for a few. The argument for that proposal was why let the monies go elsewhere but in reality it went to few. (There were provisions for schools, improvements, etc.)

The state showed their hand with their counter proposal too (Issue 2). They were scared.

People in OH are not stupid. Yet nothing is ever going to happen via legislative means. It will take the will of the people. Keep, keep trying.

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