Have you ever noticed how at the base of each bud on a marijuana plant there is a single flower as demonstrated by the above picture with arrows pointing at the flowers in question? If so have you ever wondered what the purpose of this lone flower is? Could it possibly be the archetype upon which all the other flowers in the bud above it are model after? If so could these archetypal flowers in some way be superior to the bud itself since the flowers in the buds would be mere copies of the master?
Well one stoned afternoon with way too much time on my hands and a lot of buds to be trimmed I sought out to determine the answer to this mystery with a little stoner science research project. The strain in this project which is the same as the picture above, was Cheese. So I started by first gathering the materials I would need for my research. As I trimmed each plant I carefully separated these "archetypal" flowers and collected them aside from the trimmed bud.
First one plant:
then a second plant:
then a third plant:
and a forth plant:
then a second plant:
then a third plant:
and a forth plant: