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Stephanie Nuggz


Well-known member
Transfers finishing today, noticed a few mutations on the f2/matcha/thai offspring.

This is likely a male with good vigor, maybe a bit too much node spacing but that's likely from being rootbound. Topping most plants when transferred to get some idea how these differing lines respond to training.


Well-known member
So far I'm finding all the best phenotypes I enjoyed in f1 express themselves and a few new ones too.

Carrot Soda 1/50 both generations, recessive, from the "funky mango" male.

Carrot Cake (sweet carrot, cinnamon/nutmeg) about 1/20 are like this. Used the Matcha/croquembouche male.

Piss and Vinegar 1/100 so far, only 1 plant from the funky mango male seeds produced but expect more to show. This phenotype was lacking potency but was 10/10 on resin development. A real "gooey" hashplant phenotype.

Cherry Tootsie Pop- hashplant candy heirloom pheno, many more showing this cherry candy smell in the "Haribo x Bourguignon" f2's, if they have the effects of the "Haribo" but more candy taste I would be very pleased, the Haribo was the best smoking plant in over 200.

The Matcha/Caramel/Mocha phenotypes are getting a bit fruitier, like the spice is developing too, more woody and smokey, like the whiskey barrel smell from the grandmother! It's like the grandmother phenotype on steroids.

I believe there are about 4-5 phenotypes worth selecting to make f3's, any f2 generation will offer rarer recessive phenotypes you may not see unless you grow 100+ seeds and some more common recessive phenotypes, I want to document these


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This plant smells like a candy cane dipped in cherry liqueur based on the stem rub. Unique phenotype among this gene pool, the only one like it thus far, never expressed itself in the previous generation.
lots of vigor, despite not being the most well developed root zone its really healthy, but not showing sex yet, likely a late maturing male, if it's a female I'm putting it into a 5 gallon outdoors To finish in a 10 gallon. These menthol/minty phenos tend to do well with predator and pest deterrence.


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The "funky Mango" male has seemed to pass on 3 different "orange" phenotypes!
1 - fresh cut sweet carrots and spice from afar and a strong "Orange Haribo" candy smell on stem rub, this is a vigorous sativa dominant male.

2 - smells of rotton oranges from a distance, mandarin orange and dirty gym socks smells on stem rub, Also a male but with greater Indica Influence on leaf structure.

3 - Mustard/sewage smell from afar, diesel/whiskey/sewage fumes and sweet Orange Creamcicle on stem rub, expressing most indica structure and growth among the 3, also likely a female. This plant smells very volatile

Maybe I will see the rancid Mango/diarrhea smell develop during flowering.


Well-known member
View attachment 19026971 Outdoor selections from f1 generation starting now, I want an indoor line, and an outdoor bred line. I'll be selecting on outdoor performance, resistance to my local pests and Diseases.
I love your setup friend. I'm wondering. are the roots in the clear plastic damaged by the light exposure? I always used red or blue colored Dixie cups to keep the light off the roots. Keep us posted.


Well-known member
I love your setup friend. I'm wondering. are the roots in the clear plastic damaged by the light exposure? I always used red or blue colored Dixie cups to keep the light off the roots. Keep us posted.
Thanks, ive only noticed issues when roots get exposed to direct sunlight, the cobs I use are like flood lights that doesn't really effect the roots(no discoloration) as far as I can tell.


Well-known member
My Purple bleeding Matcha Mocha "male" turned out to be a female. I miss judged the sex lol, I plan to transfer to a 4 gallon and see how it clones, a few males are contending to fill the spot this one plant was occupying. If it smokes better than it's competition then it's definitely a keeper to make the f3's with. I liked it's dense and yet maliable main stalk, it's definitely one of the "heirloom" style plants.

I also found a really nice smelling and growing new phenotype, "Peanut Butter and Jelly" savory buttery nutty smell and a sweet berry marmalade/tart smell on stem rub. One of the best smelling plants from the "Stew" male.

I can begin cloning males in the next few days before the first few begin flowering. Then I will move them outdoors to a location a few miles away.


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I've found a bunch of "Umami" phenotypes from the "Bourguignon/Stew" male i used, they smell like savory miso soup 🍲 😋. A few smell like pizza(sweet tomato sauce, basil/herbs/oil/cheesey funk. This appears to be the "codominant" phenotype.

I found about 4 females of the "cat piss/vinegar" phenotype, a few males too.

3 "carrot cake" females and 2 males that look 👍

5+ or so females with the "Toffee/caramel" smell, 2 males sharing this.

3+ females and a male that smells like bourbon whiskey, very spicy and woody.

4 Haribo phenotypes, with 2 females looking really good and 1 Haribo Male.

2 Carrot Soda males, 4 females

7-8 Black Walnut(lemon-lime, pine and woody spice) phenotypes, several quality males.

6-7 Cherry Tootsie Pop female phenotypes, 2 excellent looking males.

1 Mandarin Funk male, one Mandarin Funk female. This appears to be only available in the "funky mango" offspring.

The rarest I've found so far I call "Peanut Butter and Jelly" for it's smell, very vigorous and sticky, I've got a few "Umami" phenotypes that might be this "PB & J" pheno, but have more "savory" and nutty smell to them than sweet jelly, but I've got maybe 2 male possible matches. I'll update with pictures after transferring.

Much like the f1's there are many phenotypes leaning to each parental line, the f1's contained over 20 observable phenotypes in 200+ plants, these f2's have roughly 12 phenotypes in the same quantity so the stability has improved slightly but also it's different variations of similar phenotyoes, but more easily delineated. I can see the f3's being far more uniform if I make the right selections this generation.
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F2 male- Bourguignon pheno, saving this males pollen for f3 production at the end of this season. I hope I can semi-stabilize this 'red wine stew' hashplant phenotype by f4.


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Found the first intersex male in the flower tent, it was my most vigorous 'Cherry' male. Thai dominated, and unstable so I will not be breeding with this, over the next few days all of the early intersex plants will be culled.

Stew male: stable and getting more sweet/molasses smells.

and a new phenotype- Lavender/carrot another Malawi hybrid pheno.
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Well-known member
I found a new "swamp gas" male, seems like a good choice for f3's, so far it seems resilient to my local outdoor environment, smells like cinnamon and an outhouse.

It purples, which is also a sign, it's not the mother plant's traits dominating this phenotype.


Well-known member
Going through the flowering room and removing the intersex plants again. A few plants look like they need a new pot and a few amendments, already root bound, which I like to see, very vigorous root systems.

A few of the sativa looking phenotypes are fast to flower, the resin development is very apparent on a few.

All together i culled another 6 plants for intersex traits and 1 for an odd mutation which looked like bleaching/off-coloration. I lost one "Mandarin Funk" phenotype, I lost 2 "haribo" phenotypes, one tall and one shorter, I lost one that was a "Toffee" phenotype and another that was the thai dominant "black walnut" pheno and another hybrid pheno. Several examples still remaining of each of these phenotypes.

I can move another 6-7 into the flower room, I moved 2 unrelated females out of the space and into the male tent for reveg and seed making using the best females in this batch, the 3 remaining males appear to be sativa dominated, which I want, especially as f2's for outcrossing.

Finishing collecting the pollen from these males to use outdoors, Gotta wear a mask for this!
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These next 2 weeks I have to be vigilant, the* vast majority of herms I noticed show themselves within the first 4-5 weeks of flower, a few will show weeks 5-10, I didn't see many show late term stamen in f1's and none of my parental plants did on multiple grows. I think another 6-10 herms or duds will be culled and then I should have the space for these to grow. The thai phenotypes are really shining, smells like haribo candy(green apple, lemon, mango, berry) in this room.
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The Mango carrot soda male dumps a dark mustard colored pollen, very robust, strong malawi influence from the Golden Tiger, excellent drought resistance too. I've tried drying him out a few times and he's the last to suffer. May be the tough mofo I'm looking for to make f3's, the "Haribo" pheno male to the right in this photograph is also in close contention, both have multiple female phenotypes to make f3's from. The indica structured male in the top left is a male I can also breed with because it has the Umami factor and sticky resin like the father did, but the sweet fruitiness of the mother, a true 50/50. The top right is the pumpkin spice "Thai Chiang Mai" dominant phenotype, very lanky growth and spicy/earthy/sweet odor.


Well-known member

I have a single plant that smells like a French vanilla latte, so sweet and creamy. The "stew" male passes on the creamy/buttery smell in most of its offspring. Several creamy/buttery toffee phenotypes, some lanky and sativa in growth, others more hybrid/hashplant growth, the peanut butter and jelly phenotypes are doing their thing, so I have a 1-1 match for f3's, the toffee females will get the same male's pollen for f3's. I expect to have 5-6 really solid phenotypes to pursue f3s with. A few real standouts from this pheno hunt, f3s should be even better than these f2s if I make the right selections.

Though some of these look like Golden tiger from how stretchy they are, slower to flower.
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Well-known member
Black Walnut pheno- compact yet strong, good response to training/topping. She smells like 'ginger-ale' mixed with lemon-lime soda, early flowering and producing fat headed trichomes, this plant looks to take another 6 weeks to finish. Reminds me of the "ginger beer" phenotype from f1's but with a slightly more zesty lemon lime smell over top.