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Stems snapped, Deer problem...


New member
Yeah, so i went to the spot today only to find that my smaller plant was snapped in half and a big branch from my larger plant was snapped. It was obviously deer that did the damage because of the prints i saw in the dirt.For the small plant i stood it up and tied it to a stick, and for the branch i tied the spot where it was snapped and then tied it to the main stalk to prop it up. Both of the stems were snapped pretty bad, like the inside of the stems
were showing. I was wondering if the branch/smaller plant will be able
to survive abuse like that. I was also wondering how i could get rid
of the deer. Let me know what you guys think

Fast Pine

Active member
Yer broken limb should heal itself..

The only way to truly keep em out is a nice chicken wire fence.


I was lucky none of my plants got trampled or sampled for that matter cause I saw elk tracks going right through my grow.