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Steeeeeeerike One


Well-known member
They are at it again in Ohio.

Once they get the petition past DeWine, they need to get (I think) 305,000 signatures by (again, I believe) May to get it on the ballot for this November.

Last time the state gov brainwashed everyone into believing that an oligopoly is the same as a monopoly and they were able to utilize the news media (OMG, Budman LOL) to kill the last attempt.

This is about as open as it gets. I wonder how they'll kill this one.

One thing for sure.... they will. Or, they will just tell us it didn't pass, even if it does. How would we know? Who really counts the votes and do I trust them? LOL

Anyway, here is the first strike....


Here is the petition....



Indicas make dreams happen
I remember Budman or Buddy or whatever the hell they were calling him. I emailed RO to ask them if they were fucking stoned when they thought of the idea. No reply back lol.

Seriously though, Ohio really needs to get the ball rolling and in a direction that will actually help Ohioans. So far I haven't heard of a single medical patient in the state. Are the med grow facilities for the state even operating at this point in time?


ICMag Donor
I wouldn't be surprised if you see the same players betting on the game.


Well-known member
The money is coming from the same people that tried to get Responsible Ohio through. So, already, everyone hates them. LOL

I doubt they will have the required signatures by May to get it on this years ballot, anyway.

As for the state's mmj program, it has to be 100% functional by Sept of this year but I don't believe anyone has really done anything yet except talk about it.


ICMag Donor
That deal stunk of corruption. Hard to believe supporters were not tossed out over it. I always had the idea that Kasich was a pretty balanced guy for a republican, but this stinks.


Well-known member
Damn, we sure don't want corruption in the drug business now, do we. LMAO

Dude, EVERYTHING that involves this much money is full of corruption. Who cares? I know I don't. All I want is not to go to jail for growing a few fucking plants. Other than that, I don't care about who makes what money or if Monsanto owns it all and the money all goes to Walmart. LMAO NONE of that makes a damn bit of difference to me.

I just want to grow without going to prison. Pretty simple request, I think. LOL

But, Nooooooooooooo, not in Ohio. Not with the corrupt politicians we have here. Too long in the industrial belt controlling all the money and power. They got used to it and now, they can't let it go. LOL

So, IMO, NO ONE EVER is going to sell or grow pot in Ohio except under strict government watch and it's going to cost a LOT of money if you want to do it. Right now, Ohio has the highest licensing fees in the entire world. LOL And, NO home grow. You HAVE to buy it from the government growers.

I'm not real sure but, I THINK that qualifies as corruption, doesn't it? LOL


Active member
Legalization is about getting their greedy hands on the profit made from cannabis.
Never has been about giving the people what they want.
They got control of it in ohio now and ohio is pretty Fucked!
Things are sooo much better after legalization.... Right??


ICMag Donor
NO home grow. You HAVE to buy it from the government growers.

I'm not real sure but, I THINK that qualifies as corruption, doesn't it? LOL

No shit Sherlock. If the voters in Ohio are that weak then they deserve what they get. They did stand up for themselves the first time. Maybe it's time they got a little pissed off about being sold out.


Elite Growers Club
These fucking states are killing me out here. These west coast guys have 4 monster trees for rec use legal to grow. And we gotta fuckin sneak and hide in these Mtns and do crazy shit to grow a few plants. I wish all states in the USA could at least be legal to grow 4 plants on your property . Them vote for all the other bullshit, just give us LEGAL 4 plant grows and them get all the shit str8t to vote tax and everything. We are 25yrs behind the West, damn this shit on our side of the USA will take 20 more yrs to figure out at least . We gotta get together on this 4 plant legal grows now and let congress,senate take 20yrs to figure it out......Give us 4 plant rec grows on our property LEGAL!!!! I thought we lived in the USA??? Why not give us the 4 plant grows .....working great out west fuck. All we need is 4 plant legal grows and then well give these suits and ties 20 more yrs to get the laws figured out....give us 4 plant legal grows by 2020 and take to 2040 and figure out the dumb shit congress,senate governments gotta have something to do so take 20yrs, 2040 it may be like Cali , Oregon maybe


Elite Growers Club
Fuck while I'm at it give us a 10 plant indoor grow twice a yr......what the hell!!!!! Things move at snails pace over here. I'll prolly be dead before we can grow legally. I'd prolly have a heart attack if we ever could grow 4 plants outdoor legal.....sorry to rant but it's fuckin sad how were done out here

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Four trees in Meigs would be a sight to see.

I had some mold and budrot in those hills but it was nice to grow entire ridgelines full of it.

Is there still only one sheriff deputy in that county? I'm guessing there's still no enforcement.


Four trees in Meigs would be a sight to see.

I had some mold and budrot in those hills but it was nice to grow entire ridgelines full of it.

Is there still only one sheriff deputy in that county? I'm guessing there's still no enforcement.

Last I heard he got replaced with someone of his mindset, but not as bad. You still are taking a chance, but with it being decriminalized I am not sure how it works for growing. I wouldn't imagine them going nuts over a couple plants, but if you were lets say growing 10+ plants then yeah that would be a big deal. I think and again I am not sure about this, but if it appears you are growing for personal they probably would not even bother unless it's on someone else's land.:tiphat:


Indicas make dreams happen
I can't imagine them being cool over just a few plants, if they were than 4 plant home grows would be legal. A bust is a bust to them and they would be more than happy with any property or asset seizures they make along the way. Never bought into this decriminalization bullshit... If it was really decriminalized than there would be no legal penalty for it. Either it's legal or it isn't.


two years later and still no bill being offered. I have a feeling the only way Ohio will have legal herb is when it becomes legal on the Federal level.... and even then.

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