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Stealth fightin' w/ LED lightin'

Hampun Henki

New member
After being shocked by all the negative comments on LED topics I thought I'd tell you nice folks a story of a little weed growing in a small growroom...

8l bubler
48w LED grow light
max stealth grow"box" of just over 2 cubic feet
a clone of critical mass

Maybe it is true that a 48w LED light does not count as 200w hid but in a growroom this small it's the only way of keeping the temp down.


growroom at full stealth


growroom interior


this is how it starts


just before 12/12

After two weeks of 12/12 the bitch still had no hair showing(later I got the info that it is c.mass and was a clone of an autoflovering plant) I started to worry. But then...



current status

The plant got a huge grow burst and started doing 3-finger leaves after I solved my HUGE humidity problem. This is my first grow in years and in a totaly new setup(minus the bubbler) so everything that can go wrong has gone... But that's the way it goes.:wallbash:

Hope you enjoy


It may not be equal to a 200w HID but that plant seems to love those LED lights.

Good choice on Critical Mass, I've been wanting to try that one since it was introduced.

Hampun Henki

New member
Good choice on Critical Mass, I've been wanting to try that one since it was introduced.
Well actually it wasn't a choice. I needed a clone fast so a friend pick one up from his friend. I grew it a few weeks until I visited this friend again and heard it was c.mass.
A nice surprise as one other friends has drooled to get his hands on c.mass.

And yeah. It seem like the girl likes pink light :jump:
Hampun - wowza, nice growth. CM living up to its name.

I have decided I want to grow in a room with a ceiling of those LED plates.
And a floor full of Critical Mass.


natural medicator
Lookin great!
have you thought about mixing in 10% blue bulbs in their for a little spectrum diversity?
The all red should be great at producing some above-screen stretch.

I'll be taggin along for the ride.

Be well


Thats sooo sweet! Your girl is loving that light!!!
I always enjoy theese Sci-Fi grow pics!
looking forward for update!
Keep it green (and pink:D)



When are you making the switch to flowering? I'm anxious to see the end of your grow dude! I've always been curious about LED systems but this is the first grow journal I've seen from the start, definitely lookingforward to updates!
I think if you're going to compare one light to another it should be watt for watt. If you had 200w of LED, THEN you could compare it to a 200w HID.

Anything else is just selling the lower wattage version short. From the pictures, it's hard to picture 48w of HID competing with what those LEDs can do.

I wonder what 1k of LEDs would look like. (goes off to do some searching)

Hampun Henki

New member
Thanks for the comments.
I'll be posting an update tomorrow as I snap a few new pics.

The growth has been near stunning a few days now as I got the humidity down.
The bad news is that I can't put my carbon filter on before I get a stronger fan to push air trough it and a passive air drier.

@FirstTracks: The panel is 1/3 blue 2/3 red, it just looks all purple in pics
@TroubleGuy: They've been on 12/12 light cycle for weeks now. I switched after 1½weeks of weg as the plant touched the sgrog-net. The first hairs came after 'bout 2 weeks of 12/12 and then came the humidity and the plant almost stopped growing for 2 weeks and now it grows like it should grow.


Haha, yeah my bad man, I read this topic before and saw in your first post that it's on 12/12. Guess I just forgot! :joint:

Hampun Henki

New member
As promised I bring you new pictures!:woohoo:


I took this with a fast shutter so it would show the real colors of the LEDs instead of making them into a purple glow. I'd have this on my desktop if I could have "incriminating footage" there. =)


The wimpy twigs that grew fast after the humidity prob are starting to bulk up a bit.


And the older and shorter ones bulk up even more.

Now the plant looks like it should've looked a few weeks ago. Estimated harvest would be around the first week o june, but we'll see.

Until next time, enjoy...



Any yield-estimate? Is the light customised one?
Gonna keep checking this frequently as you progress.
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Hampun Henki

New member

Any yield-estimate? Is the light customised one?
Gonna keep checking this frequently as you progress.

No estimate on yield but I'm hoping to break the magic 1g/w.
I have no idea how possible that is but every gram is welcome.
And for the light I bought it on eBay.

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