Hello everyone, It's been awhile... Hope alls well with everyone and theirs. As far as everything in general for me it's good. Thanks to the powers that be.
The reason for the thread is simple and a real bummer. I was doing real good with alot of clone only, what you might call 'elite' cuts. I was even making some seeds and having all kinds of fun testing them outdoors, thinking a cutting would suffice if I found a particular plant I really thought needed exploration indoor. Well to make a long story short. I took a cutting from a plant that looked to me like it was turning purple. But in hine sight it was infected with TMV (Tobacco Mosaic Virus) Look it up if your curious cause I don't feel like typing anymore about it. The shit sucks ass and, The shit is deadly to plants and spreads easily by touch or pests that bite the plants spreading the virus. It's devistating to watch plant after plant die off. I thought initially I had oversprayed some pesticide on several. But it spread like mad even after I didn't spray anymore. Hmmmmm I was such a stoner. But once I found out what it was I cleaned house, tossed all vegitation and started clean.
The good thing about the whole ordeal is I learned a hell of a lesson. *there are alot of things outdoors that you don't want to bring indoors* So I hopefully learned from this. I luckily had made some seed stock with many of those wicked clone only moms. I have several running now as well as some helper clones from friends. Alot more to test and some to even give away for close friends. To whom I'd like to send props and shouts out correct and proper. Thanks guys your my hero's. I won't mention any specific names but they know who they are and what matters is they get payed respect.
The reason for the thread is simple and a real bummer. I was doing real good with alot of clone only, what you might call 'elite' cuts. I was even making some seeds and having all kinds of fun testing them outdoors, thinking a cutting would suffice if I found a particular plant I really thought needed exploration indoor. Well to make a long story short. I took a cutting from a plant that looked to me like it was turning purple. But in hine sight it was infected with TMV (Tobacco Mosaic Virus) Look it up if your curious cause I don't feel like typing anymore about it. The shit sucks ass and, The shit is deadly to plants and spreads easily by touch or pests that bite the plants spreading the virus. It's devistating to watch plant after plant die off. I thought initially I had oversprayed some pesticide on several. But it spread like mad even after I didn't spray anymore. Hmmmmm I was such a stoner. But once I found out what it was I cleaned house, tossed all vegitation and started clean.

The good thing about the whole ordeal is I learned a hell of a lesson. *there are alot of things outdoors that you don't want to bring indoors* So I hopefully learned from this. I luckily had made some seed stock with many of those wicked clone only moms. I have several running now as well as some helper clones from friends. Alot more to test and some to even give away for close friends. To whom I'd like to send props and shouts out correct and proper. Thanks guys your my hero's. I won't mention any specific names but they know who they are and what matters is they get payed respect.

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