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Treetroit City

Moderately Super
BBQ plate was had for dinner. Smoked the ribs, wife made the cheesy potatoes and the smoked brisket was left over from last weekend.


Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Not sure what we can do for kitty kitty come winter. We think it’s a girl at this point cause it’s not spraying on everything.
She gets fed twice a day and occasionally sleeps in the chicken coop when she finds her way in there before the door gets closed for the night.
Completely lives in our yard though so I feel responsible in a way.


Well-known member
if she won’t let you approach her. You can trap her in a live trap with kitty food, then take her inside and giver her a room without other pets at first. I have done this a few times and it usually works out. I had one cat that lived under the couch mostly was very feral and she got outside and ran off. The next year I had a cat come back that looked just like her and I assumed it was her so I trapped her and brought her inside. She acted like a house cat pretty quickly and it turns out was an imposter since she didn’t have a chip when I took her to the vet.

I have had barn cats too that just lived in the barn. Gets pretty cold up there in Michigan. Could make her a cat house like a dog house basically.


ICMag Donor
good thing you put the trellis netting on!:D
It helped I would’ve been better off just taping them together when young with electrical tape but it helped
i think you would burst trying to eat one of my post big ride meals

Not sure what we can do for kitty kitty come winter. We think it’s a girl at this point cause it’s not spraying on everything.
She gets fed twice a day and occasionally sleeps in the chicken coop when she finds her way in there before the door gets closed for the night.
Completely lives in our yard though so I feel responsible in a way.
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Last year my Sour Bubble male pollinated MAHA's Mind Blower. This is one of the offspring. It is nearly 12' tall. I stood on a 2' block to take these pics. She reeks. Silver flowers that smell sweet and funky.

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