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standard Home-D plastic roll ?'s


Active member
Do the white plastic rolls (100x10) at any local hardware superstore block beneficial rays into the greenhouse?

I'd like privacy with my walls that it will give but for the roof, i need weather protection, not visual


New member
Yes ... this type of plastic is used in the horticultural Industry to over winter trees, shrubs etc. It keeps hoop houses at a steady cool temp by keeping it void of sunlight into the growing area thus avoiding heat fluctuations.


Active member

I meant translucent not white, i've never actually seen white at the hardware store.

If I use hardware plastic rolls that are translucent, do I create sun deficiency besides it's 25% or so diffusion?

Like am I blocking vital UV's or color spectrum?


New member
you'll be fine, That type of plastic sheeting is either 4ml or 6ml thick... this type of plastic does not have uv blockers to keep the plastic from breaking down.....it'll last 1 to 2 yera maybe longer depending on weather conditions. I've used it greenhouses for many years..no problems.


Active member
I've used it before for later fall harvests, just wasn't sure if I was short changing myself.
Came out kinda fluffy but I'm assuming it was from the light levels available.

Just checking, I just need it temporarily this spring

Our sun out here eats that stuff up in months.

Craigs listing a carport frame to setup a G house
Should be plenty of them lying around, I see wrecked ones all the time...


Regular 6mil sheeting

Regular 6mil sheeting

I'm using regular 6mil plastic sheeting from Home Depot, lasted about 1 year.

Check out my Costco greenhouse thread here on IC for more details.



Active member
If you get more than a year my hats off to you!! It breaks down very quickly so plan on changing it out seasonally. After then harsh Sun if any serious wind hits it; holes or worse. If you can afford better sheeting skin get it, less hassle than replacing often.