a ssh dad instead of maternal side of the cross prolly woulda made for higher yieldin plants of a similiar nature, but, live n learn u should backcross this strain to ssh if you ever have the opportunity! be wellbonecarver_OG said:the cross was made by my old mate Cloneman hats off for him - this stuff has kept me stoned of my nuts for years i got gifted the seeds for a test grow.
she grows fairly slowly, not much branching at all - and no stretch to talk about. for indoors this means long veg times are possible and this gives huge bushes. even though i think she does best cut down so the flower production increases.
i have made some seeds crossing her back into the parentla line of PTK - but PTK of racos ORIGINAL Tom Hill stock. those beans are pending for a grow very very soon. i sent out some seed of her to some mates but i havent heard if they have flowered them yet.
to me this is the ultimate hybrid.
i thank u all for the interest shown - i will definetly post more pics as time goes.
peace all