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SSH,LA NINA seed in coco (Biomagno food)


Active member
hi at all coco growers ..this is my currently growing of one of my favourite strain
i've ever dream to grow and this winter was the time.

i switch my usually medium of soilmix to turn in this coco experience cause i grab some good results in past and i want to learn more deep how this medium can take to a organic grower as me.

the mix is very simple:
60% of coco from bricks
30% of perlite
10% of humus from wormcasting
1 kilo of powdered zeolite

i use my own fertilizers...are made totally from organic sources(manure,bet molasses,kelps,vegetal meals ecc.) by enzimatic hydrolisis;without any exctractions or use reagent chemicals.
aerobic hydrolisys is a natural way to obtain good stuff from organics and made possible the population of benefit microrganisms live in the fert.
as well as the humic and fulvic acids the other parts are found in the end products after the fermentation and bring to the fert the power of maintain the ph stability at good level in the soil.
plus by this way if there are bacteria,benefit fungi and other organic acids i don't have to add any sort of enzymes cause the bacteria provide to produce it.i don't have to correct ph and i use only one or two product per time with optimum results as ever.(more than a G\watt with 12 days of veg)

i use in add to the basic fertilizer one other product always liquid and made by the same process,but is added of milk proteins and natural sugars.this one feed directly the bacteria and benefit fungi without stole the energy from the soil CARBON.by this way the C\N ratio remain ever good and more than the required 30\1 relation.(if there's not the bacteria don't convert and fix the N from organic to mineral)

i explain better during the thread...excuse me for my poor and bad language ,i just try it!!! :woohoo:
lamp: 600 watt agro silvanya
seed started:14 super silver haze and 14 lanina from shantibaba
pots:1\2 liter,7 liter (sexing),20 liter (bloom)
fans:eek:ne outline of 300mq\h
heater:400\800 watt
temperatures:max 25°C-min 15°C


Active member
day 7..i add little dose of my growth-stimulator for root boosting and mineral veiculation.is made from fresh cold-pressed ascophyllum nodosum i use it usually as the basic one time a week always 1ml per liter max.(all my ferts are use by this dose cause them are concentrated)








Joint Date: Today.
su su forza.. al lavoro! mancano ancora un sacco di foto :D

nice grow.. im really looking forward to meet you bro.. its gonna ba an intersting chat for sure :)


Active member
day 27 ...last days of veg..i sex these b*****s.. :woohoo:

-second time feed...1ml\liter of basic growth fertilizer.
-i use 12 liter for all plants watering every two days.



Active member
a really strange leaf comes out...

some males

remain 16 females ..a good lucky strike..4 x 4 and the meter square is full at the top.

10 days of flowering:

the repot call me ...and he tell me : HEY !!!THERE'S ANYONE OUT THERE!!?? THE ROOTS DON'T BREATH ENOUGH!!!!



Active member
the third repot:(24 days of bloom )
-feed one time a week with bloom basic fertilizer 1ml\liter,and one time a week with the bloom stimulator always 1ml\liter.(is made from ascophyllum and laminaria digitata cold-pressed)
when i use the activator i add with the basic fertilizer.(10ml of basic with 5ml of activator in 12 liter of water)



Active member
WAMEN said:
su su forza.. al lavoro! mancano ancora un sacco di foto :D

nice grow.. im really looking forward to meet you bro.. its gonna ba an intersting chat for sure :)
there's no doubt about it latino bro!!!....hope enjoy this issue again...ciao


amazing grow filimagno :yes:

it's great to see people using full organics on the coco. you've done a real good job documenting it all. can't wait to see the rest.


Active member
gaiusmarius said:
amazing grow filimagno :yes:

it's great to see people using full organics on the coco. you've done a real good job documenting it all. can't wait to see the rest.

hey gaiusmarius it's a great pleasure told from a cool and real good grower like u.

hope u''ll enjoy this one next update...and sorry for the retard on it!!! :moon:


Active member
ehiooooooo i'm sorry with all for going away from IC for these days...but i was
busy with organisation on the expo on madrid and nowdays with a'dam ...so i'm feeling so sorry with everyone who follow this thread...and now the fuckin update:

here's the situation after 63 days of bloom....i notice that these varieties are
very sensitive to the feeding program...and i've decided some time to not feed even for 2 week .(some plant shown sign of excess more than other that are health and lush green)

SSH ..the fat yielder pheno (most sweet flavour than others)

SSh ..nl pheno

SSH ..the quick pheno !!so sweet hazey

LANINA ..column main bud keeper pheno..

SSH ..the fat yielder pheno (closer shot)

LANINA ..column main bud keeper pheno..

LANINA ..column main bud keeper pheno..

group shots






SSH ..similar pheno than the keeper ,but seem more quick and sensitive.


hope it's enjoyable.....now i wait the ripening dayz...the best ones!!!

c u soon BROS

p.s. any input on coco usually feeding are wellcome..cause i want to step up at best with this coco medium ..and perfect my ferts for it!!


Hey filimagno,

that is some good growing man, nice fat yielding ladies. it looks like you were pushing them with nutes, but they certainly didn't seem to mind. great update, thanks for sharing.

i smoked some SSH at last years 420 which must have been the same good yielder as the bud OP had was like a small american football, lol. at the time i had a hard time believing it was supposed to be SSH, although it certainly smoked like ssh.

can't wait for the next update.


Active member
Crazy Leaf said:
those are some big cola's man , maybe one day ill be able to pull shit like that off =P , good job
that's absolutely a tales....ehehehe...everyone with a likkle amount of curiosity for the "nature spreading" could arrive to this results...believe me dude;good pheno and top fertilizer are the key to success but the hand of the grower made the real difference .
c u at the next update