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Split from : The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!


Dr. Doolittle
Hello, everyone I am so so sorry I have not had the time to come here and help, I had al ot of family health issues and Dr issues lately, I had a lot of anger issues as of lately, because my sister got beat badly and the cops took over a month to arrest the guy and my sister has permanent brain damage, but yet the fucking pigs took 1/2 day to come in my home with a warrent only because someone said I had plants....

Ok, I know it's been a long time; but the ones who need help still, post after this so I know which ones who still need help.


New member
Stitch or anyone please help my plants are dying

Stitch or anyone please help my plants are dying

Hi Stitch or anybody,

My plants are very sick and I think they are dying, I have already lost two of them and I'm pretty certain that it's syphilids. they are pretty much infested in the soil with small white insects that stay in the soil and only come up after watering, the rest of the time you can't see them, haven't seen any on the leaves but they can jump. The leaves are yellowing and dying off and three of the plants have almost no green left. They are re-vegging at the moment which probably isn't helping but really would like to save them if I can.

Stitch I noticed that you had a tobacco juice recipe on the guide to sick plants, how much water do you use with the 2-3 cigarettes?
Thanks in advance for your help


New member
Hallo MyNameStitch.
That is got to be the best guide to sick plants, I have ever seen.
I have used it a lot of times. It has really been a big help, in some sad times.
- So thanks a lot for the big efford you have put into it.

I have a problem with my plants, and i hope you will take a look at the pictures, and give my your advice.

It is some white strain, do not know the precise origin.
They have been flowering in 38 days, and i usually give them 77-84 days.
The daytime temperaure is about 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit.
The night time temperature is about 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit.
They are in prefertilized peat moss, no perlite this time..
(your guide says that peat moss is highly acidic, but on the back of the bag it says; pH 5,6-6,4... am i misunderstanding something?)
Actually the problem with the dying leaves (see pictures) and stunned growth, started after i fertilized them for the first time, so naturally i Thought it was overfertilizing. After reading a LOT, i decided it was lack of fertilyzer instead, because i do not think it looks like to much fertilzer. I gave them some more fertilizer, and it changed NOTHING. Hmm... I'm quite confused now.. And I am beginning to suspect low pH.

It is difficult to se the problem on the last picture (besides the fact that the buds should be bigger by now) But it is actually all the leaves that are strange and curly with these brown necrotic spots. Some of the petioles snap if you bend them, and the leaves are in general very crunchy and hard.

What do you think it is?

Once again thanks for the fine guide, you have helped me many times without even knowing. :)

PS. Just ordered your book on Amazon. :)


Dr. Doolittle
Hi Stitch or anybody,

My plants are very sick and I think they are dying, I have already lost two of them and I'm pretty certain that it's syphilids. they are pretty much infested in the soil with small white insects that stay in the soil and only come up after watering, the rest of the time you can't see them, haven't seen any on the leaves but they can jump. The leaves are yellowing and dying off and three of the plants have almost no green left. They are re-vegging at the moment which probably isn't helping but really would like to save them if I can.

Stitch I noticed that you had a tobacco juice recipe on the guide to sick plants, how much water do you use with the 2-3 cigarettes?
Thanks in advance for your help

Symplids do not jump..... did you notice anything flying? Have you checked your run off to see if they were in there too?
Leaves are dying off, because of the bugs that are disturbing roots.

for 3 cigs, I would use around 3-5 cups of water, for a more stronger mixture use the 4

Make sure you boil it, it smells like crap; the boiling separates some of the chemicals needed to kill the bugs.


Dr. Doolittle
thccalyxes, you guessed it right on the money, this is indeed a pH problem, but since you kept feeding them you caused a buildup in the soil and now they are overfed.
The spotty in the veins is a dead give away to a pH problem.

The curly leaves is caused by roots being damaged from high amounts of nutrients in the soil.

You need to flush them out big time.
Now the soil you are using, that is a high pH swing for a bag of soil..... have you tested the pH of this? If so did you use a pen or strips?

Normally a bag of soil will be in a small range like 5.5 to 5.8, that range is messed up I would avoid that brand if you could.
What brand is it?
what all does this mixture have in it?
How much food have you used and how often did you give it to them?
Buds are small, because the pH is off and the plants were not allowed to take in certain nutreints, thus the slow growth and small bud size, but when you added more food to the mixture you caused a buildup with the plants not being able to take in anything, the nutrients just sat in the soil and became too hot for the plant.

Thanks, I am very glad you like it and I hope the book will even be a bigger help for you, as it has 175 pages in there :)


New member
Thanks so much Stitch for getting back to me so quickly, have had my magnifying glass out and have gone back to your guide and stuck my finger on a few of the bugs to see if they would jump and none of them did, might of been because I squashed quite a few of them!!!! Have checked out both rooms and I can't see anything at all flying, or anything on the leaves or any further up just the bottom of the stems. I am getting the tobacco juice ready as we speak, will let you know how it goes.

Thanks again for sharing your amazing amount of knowleddge with us newbie growers we would be lost without you and others like you.:thank you:


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
if you water them and the are whitish and float and spring around on top of the water they are springtails not symphilids... if they dont spring around you may have symphilids....


New member
Stitch, poopytea bags thanks for all your posts, learning new things all the time but got to say I love growing these plants. Have just had my first harvest and I will never go back to buying it off other people again, just makes me feel ripped off, it's crap, even my first go round produced better than they sell.

Have just sprouted 13 new babies, 2 Superskunk, 4 power kush, 3 orient express, 2 Mekong high and 2 greenhouse thai, first time with sativa so this could be interesting! Can't wait to try them, feel like a kid in a sweetie shop. BTW Stitch checked out your photo's of some of your previous grows, can't believe the ....ing pigs trashed them, that's just S@$T. They were some serious plants, hope mine turn out like that, probably gonna need a bit of practice first.

Please tell me tobacco juice will kill the springtails? They definitely jump.


Hey stitch, popping back in here with some more issues you might be able to shed some light on...

How long has this problem been going on?
They are about two and a half weeks into flower, noticed nitrogen od symptoms shortly after transplant at the beginning of flower.

What STRAIN are you growing?
Greenhouse seeds, Trainwreck

What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?)

What is the age of your plants?
4~ weeks, They were rootbound in a 2x2 cube for a while.

How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now?
2.5 weeks

How Tall are the plants?
A good 3.5 feet I'd estimate.

What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)
No established technique really, I prune some when I feel like it, top when I feel like it, knuckled a few times. Just experimenting, getting my bearings.

What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot)
3x 2.5 gallon pots

What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?)
Virgin fox farms ocean forest.

What brand Nutrient's are you using?
General hydroponics, organic bio thrive line.

How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful*
Following the directions on the feed chart.

How often are you feeding?
(feed, water, water, feed, water, water, feed) I wait for the soil to almost dry out. Mildly humid.

If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients?
Day 1 of flower i gave them a mild dose of bloom nutes

What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?
I don't check because everyone says not to bother with organic.

What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?
Also don't check.

What size bulb are you using?
1000w, air cooled.

What is the distance to the canopy?
12" I know I should lower the plants a bit.

What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity)
between 40% with the lights off and 20% with the lights on

What is the canopy temperature?
haven't seen it go above 85 (this is a rare occurrence) Usually stays about 5 degrees above above ambient which is usually between 65F and 75F

What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)
The tent is in my room, where i stay most of the time. I keep my room comfortable to live in and usually between 65-75

What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
500cfm 6" inline sucking through the light to outside, oscillating fan for circulation.

Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ?
6" inline goes off when the light does. oscillating stays on 24/7 (I need some peace and quite sometime

Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist?
always between wet and humid. Never bone dry.

Is your water HARD or SOFT?
160 ppm well water in the mountains of northern california.

Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched?
Yeah I do stuff to them, Not really relevant.

Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when?
None, Have yet to experience any pest problems.

The rest is a quote from another post located here: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=3965615#post3965615
Don't feel like retyping it.

the strain is greenhouse seeds trainwreck.
I have grown it once before, hydro, dwc. (all details on that here: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=173602)
My plants are about 2.5 weeks in, yellowing at the top.
I am using 100% fox farms ocean forest.
I had some nitrogen overdose early on. moderate to lightly severe clawing. I flushed my soil despite what people say about flushing an organics. I also noticed some calcium deficiency but I think this is due to the nitrogen locking it out.
Here are two fan leaves taken from the same plant. The light green was taken from very near the top of the plant. the darker was taken about 1/4 up the plant. (close to the bottom)

This one is exhibiting some nitrogen overdose and calcium lockout?

This is only my second round, i'm still learning how to grow. I have been grouping the nutes like this, and sticking to the feeding chart on the website:
Veg exclusive nutes: bio grow, bio weed.
Flower exclusive: bio bloom, bio bud.
Additives suitable for whenever: Root, marine
Once two weeks or so: diamond black, light dose of calmag.
I feed them a nute mix every 3rd watering. (feed, water, water, feed,) waiting for the soil to dry to a lightly humid state between each watering/feeding.
I really havent been feeding them that much nitrogen, I am puzzled as to why I am getting these Overdose symptoms along with the early yellow in flower, they seem like opposites to me?
Please call me out on any errors of my ways.

Sorry for the uber long post guys.
Also just ordered your book stitch! I hope its got lots more pictures than the thread does!


New member
Thanks for the quick reply. And thanks for even bothering replying. :)

Cool i was right on the pH problem, even though "cool" and "pH problem" does not belong in the same sentence. lol

I have been giving them Total Bloom - one part - from GHE

This is the soil;

They were about 8" tall when I repotted for the blooming period, and during the first 3-4 weeks, they grew 3-4 times their hight.
First time I watered was on day 18, and with no fertilizer. They did fine with all the water from repotting on day 1.
On day 27 they looked like they needed some fertilizer (probably iron or manganese), so I gave them 1 ml./l. (1:1000). That did not seem to help at all, only to stop growth and budding :(
day 35 they seemed to scream for food, so I gave them the same dosis as last (1:1000)
day 39 I flushed them severly as you suggested.

Next time I water I will ad some pH up or down, I just do not know what way to go...?!?
I have not checked the pH of the soil, cause like you said pH-testers for soil, are crappy. :D
- Is it possible to tell from the pictures, if it is to high, or to low pH problems?

Thanks in advance.


New member
Sorry to hear about your sister and other issues from last month. I hope her and you are all ok.

Thank you for all your help on here
Very good info!! I am going thru some ph issues myself, getting used to the water, so to speak. I use a marked syringe and use approx. 160ml of white vinegar per gal of water (thru pur water filter - 3 stage) to bring down the 7.8 to 8.6 tap water down to 6.0 to 6.6. before I figured that out I killed off some og18, hawaiian snow, northern blue dream, etc......

Ph is a pain!!
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Very good info!! I am going thru some ph issues myself, getting used to the water, so to speak. I use a marked syringe and use approx. 160ml of white vinegar per gal of water (thru pur water filter - 3 stage) to bring down the 7.8 to 8.6 tap water down to 6.0 to 6.6. before I figured that out I killed off some og18, hawaiian snow, northern blue dream, etc......

Ph is a pain!!
Woah dude. You have some serious issues going on there. You don't want to be using vinegar to control ph. Buy some ph down. 160ml is a ton of ANYTHING to be adding to your water.
You should start mixing your nutes BEFORE you ph your water. Nutes are acidic and they will lower your ph anyways.


New member
Thank you for the help you have provided thus far with your answers to other people's questions!! I am having some serious issues currently and was wondering what advice you have for me.

How long has this problem been going on?
just under 2 weeks

What STRAIN are you growing?
Green house Bubba kush/ DNA sharksbreath

What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?)

What is the age of your plants?
about 6-7 weeks

How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now?
4-5 weeks

How Tall are the plants?
just under 2 feet, lst'd once which saves about 6-8 inches

What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)

What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot)
3 gal square

What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?)
2p bio biz all mix
2p worm castings
1p perlite
1teas myco/trichoderma
1teas epsoma garden lime pellets GROUND UP

What brand Nutrient's are you using?
bio bizz grow/bloom. Liquid karma. hygrozyme. superthrive. molasses

How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful*
1-2 tab molasses every water. (except last two)
.25-1teas lk every water (except last two)
I noticed things going bad after watering with 1.5 teas of hygrozyme

feeding is usually quarter strength. ill provide more info with pics

How often are you feeding?
every other water, which was every 6 days, I have just given water the last 2 times though

If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients?
I notice it has a bit very recently, while these problems are going on

What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?
havn't checked because its organic

What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?
Last water I poured 1 gal of water through. it went in at 7.05 and came out 7.1
*my filtered tap water came out to 7, and i was thinking my ph was too low, so i thought it'd help.

What size bulb are you using?
250w hps hortilux w/glass shield

What is the distance to the canopy?

What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity)
until 3 days ago it was 30%, since then i bought a humidifier and it is about 45-58 in the surrounding room

What is the canopy temperature?
just shy of 85

What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)
At night it flucuates, but 70-60

What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
2 5inch passive light proof openings, 2 stationary fans inside facing the sides

Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ?
4in 170cfm? canfan running 24/7

Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist?
I mixed too much worm castings, so it is always kind of wet/cold, but I wait until the pot is light, which is usually 3 days

Is your water HARD or SOFT?
170 ppm

Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched?
I pull off dead leaves, 2 clones were taken from the BK 1 week before flowering

Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when?
only organic







A trillion thanks, another problem solved by the fine guide.

This time fungus gnats is my problem.
Went trough the hole web last week just to remember that the guide had pest problems too..
2 min and i got all info needed..

Just big thanks, this aint the first time the guide saves my sorry little butt..

PS: A headsup.. The text colors under fungus gnats?
I can see you want it in red text but it aint, you need a ] and a [/color]


guy incognito

New member


How long has this problem been going on?
This is the 3rd crop with the same problem.

What STRAIN are you growing?

What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?)

What is the age of your plants?
happens a few weeks into flower. veg times have been variable between harvests and plants. They are day 42 of flower in the pic.

How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now?
they went into current pots same day they went to 12/12. previous crops were variable.

Were they in the same mixture when they were seedlings/smaller plant? If not, what mixture were they in before?
Some were, some werent. The pictured plants were in miracle grow moisture control, and then moved to fox farms happy frog soil. (all soil is 2:1 mix with perlite).

How Tall are the plants?
Pictured plants are about 30" tall

What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?

What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)
none of the above. just growing under HID.

What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot)
clone bucket -> 6" planter -> 3 gallon pot. one per pot.

What substrate/medium are you using?

What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?)
Pictured plants are in fox farms happy frog soil (2 parts soil to 1 part perlite). The problem has also happened with scotts brand, and miracle grow brand, though the current miracle grow moisture control plants seem to not be having this problem even though they have before.

What brand Nutrient's are you using?
Used to use schultz 10-15-10 all purpose plant food for veg. Stopped giving any veg food months ago and havent noticed deficiencies yet so im sticking with it. Made the switch to RO with this crop and have been using 5ml cal-mag per gallon of water every watering. Been using botanicare pro bloom 1-4-5 for flowering phase. Used full strength on previous crops (15ml per gallon RO) with same results. Current grow (pics) have been 1/3 strength (5ml per gallon RO). Also started using general hydroponics ph up solution and ph all water to 6.5 before watering (botanicare pro bloom makes the ph plummet. It gets close to 3 at full strength).

How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful*
see previous answer

How often are you feeding?
nearly every watering. See schedule posted after questionnaire

If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients?
almost immediately. See schedule posted after questionnaire

What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)
add cal-mag first, then pro bloom, then ph up to ph=6.5

What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?
dont know.

What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?
has been variable through the grows. mostly undocumented though. last flush with tap water the large container I flushed into had about 10 gallons of greenish water. the ph was about 6.3. the ph of my straight tap water is around 7.6 usually. I did not check it before the flush, but assume it was the same.

How often are you testing pH/ppm/EC/TDS?
I pH every jug of water to 6.5 as the last step before watering. No meter for ppm/EC/TDS.
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen?
Oakton ph testr ph2. Calibrated with GH 7.0 solution (only use 1 calibration point). Results consistent with cheapo ph meter and strips.

How often are you watering?
When the soil is dry. See schedule posted after questionnaire

When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding?
See schedule posted after questionnaire

What size bulb are you using?
400 watt hps

How old is your bulbs?
less than a year. Problem occurred when brand new.

What is the distance to the canopy?
around 10"

What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity)
Vary wildly based on outside weather. Currently low as shit to do it being winter in michigan. Low as shit is under 40% every time I check. I never check during lights off.

What is the canopy temperature?
Has varied wildly, but currently around 70-80*F

What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)
Up to 80*F at the warmest. Low 60's during lights off.

What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
250 cfm duct booster exhausting to the chimney.

Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ?
250 cfm duct booster exhausting to the chimney running 24/7. passive air intake through cracks in bottom of homemade chamber.

Is the fan blowing directly at plants?
not the 250 cfm exhaust fan. A separate oscillating fan runs 24/7 inside the chamber and yes it blows directly on the plants.

Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist?

Is your water HARD or SOFT?
Its RO.

What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water?

If using tap water, what is the ppm/EC/TDS of the water right out of the tap?(Only if you have a tds pen)
NA. Dont use tapwater except the one flush noted in the schedule at the end. Used tapwater in previous grows. tap water ph=7.6

If using RO,Distilled,mineral water, what is the ppm/EC/TDS without any additives?(Only if you have a tds pen)
pH is consistently 5.9-6.0.

Are you using water from a water softener?

Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched?
No. I only cut off dead leaves once in flower.

Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when? Are plant's infected with pest's?
Plants not currently infected. Had spider mites in previous grows. Using hot shots no pest strip in conjunction with lower chamber temps seems to have eradicated the mites. Still have no pest strip in veg and flower chambers and have not seen anything other than very few fungus gnats in months.

Here is the thread I made about it on xxx with more info. I have copied my original post in the thread verbatim so it's not necessary to visit the thread unless you want to read responses. I have included one of the responses as I think it may be a correct diagnosis. I want more information though.

Guy Incognito said:
?!?!?!? what's the fucking deal?! This is the third batch that has been having the same problem. I have been trying to correct every possible problem I thought it could be. I thought it was my soil, so I switched to fox farms happy frog with perlite (2:1 ratio). I thought it was my tap water so I switched to RO only. I thought it was a calcium or magnesium deficiency so I got some cal-mag. I thought it was pot size so I switched to larger pots. I thought it was pH so I got a meter and started phing my water. Same problems

Here is the set up:

soil: fox farms happy frog + perlite (2:1)
water: RO from meijer
pot size: 3 gallon
light: 400 watt hps
nutes: cal-mag and botanicare pro bloom 1-4-5

10-21-10 I planted them from 1 gallon pots to 3 gallon pots and moved them to 12/12. They looked healthy as shit.

10-26-10 mixed 1ml pro bloom + 3/4 ml of cal-mag with half spray bottle (250 ml) RO. Sprayed on leaves liberally. Seemed to adversely affect them. I think it was too strong, but they recovered and did fine.

10-28-10 watered with 1 Liter of flower RO (5 ml pro bloom + 5 ml of cal-mag per gallon of RO). Watered with 1/2 L of plain RO.

11-4-10 watered with 2 L of RO with 5ml cal-mag per gallong

11-8-10 watered with 1/2 L plain RO

11-10-10 watered with approx 1 L RO water first then approx 1 L of 5 ml cal-mag+ 5 ml pro bloom + 9 granules fast acting calcium/gallon RO

At this point I was starting to notice the same problems as the last grow and suspected low pH was the problem so I got a ph meter and some ph up.

11-16-10 watered with half gallon of 5ml cal-mag + 5 ml pro bloom + 1 ml ph up per gallon. pH = 6.5

11-24-10 watered with half gallon of 5ml cal-mag + 10 ml pro bloom + 3 ml ph up per gallon. pH = 6.5

The problem worsened so I thought a flush would be good. It wasn't, the problem worsened, hence this thread.

11-28-10 flush with 3 gal tap water. Then 1/2 gal RO with 5 ml cal-mag/gal. ph=6.5

I have 2 different strains, both are having the same problems.

This is strain "H"



This is strain "E". This one isn't as crispy, but is having similar problems. It's also tipping over under its own weight.


And for comparison here is strain "H" that had the EXACT same schedule up through 11-27-10, but was in miracle grow moisture soil instead of happy frog. I watered with 1 gal RO with 5 ml cal-mag + 5ml pro bloom/gal. ph=6.5 instead of flushing on 11-28-10.


They are all at 6 weeks (42 days)
BTW the recommended dosage for cal-mag is 5 ml per gallon. Recommended dosage of pro bloom is 15 mL per gallon. I've been using 1/3 strength of pro bloom. I was afraid to burn them, but they look burnt and crispy anyway. Or is this a deficiency?!

This reply got my attention, as he is the first one to suggest this:

You have two infections: First you have a bad case of Septoria, mold that is in your glowing area and works it's way through the root system, to the stocks, and in to your leaves. They are expressed with black spots on the leaves as they spore for future infections to seed your home for all future grows, och! Second, you have grey/black mold inside the plant too, from what it looks like, but this may not be totally blooming with the dusty fungus spores as you have such a bad case of septoria that your leaves are dying off too soon for them, but if you are able to keep the crop alive, you might see it if the humidity levels get high enough...

Ok, that said it is not the end of the world, but your crops are screwed for now. You have to treat everything with hydrogen peroxide, switch to a new grow of hardy mold resistant strain, you will not be growing hazes for awhile, think church. You need to set up a UV light in both the hydro system, get at pet store for fish tanks, UV light in grow area for air born spores inside the grow area. GE florescent bulds 36 watts 48" long (germicidal will damage DNA of humans and you can not get exposed, they cause skin cancer). Bulbs are $70 each GE G36T8 goes in a cheap 48" T8 fixture, and you treat area when lights are on each day for three cycles of 10 min on, 30 min off, no longer per day or you hurt plants. Toss all cuttings, mothers, and treat seeds with hydrogen peroxide too. You need to use a fungicidal spray, coper sulfate, get some sulfer candles and treat all fans and grow area, wash everything with bleach, rinse with hot hot water, then clean everything with hydrogen peroxide again. You can treat outer areas of growing areas with germicidal light too. This is a war you are in and to win you have to control it, and now that you have it the war will be difficult. Many people get so frustrated with this that they give up growing. Septoria Canabis was engineered by the FDA for the war on drugs and it targets canabis specifically, but septoria is in many crops now, but the canabis strain was developed for the war on drugs to wipe out the home grown crops by seeding the spores into equipment and supplies sold to the general public. The spores are now everywhere, thanks to the Ronald, now it's being leagalized and stands to be a big tax producer, opps! No doubt, from what I have seen, you got a real bad case of it too. You let this go way too long. Wow that must be frustrating. Like banging your head into the nails to build a house. Spend some money and get some good UV lights.
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New member
Okay I have some problems with my plants, dont know exactly what it is.

It is in LC's mix #1 with the organic recipe #1 in the Burn1's thread.

Do yo have any clue what could the problem be?

Sorry for the quality they come from my i phone..







New member
ok so here it is. I've been trying to diagnose this issue for a week and half.
Ok so here is the whole story.
I pulled 9 clones and this is what started happening;
I relocated the plant to different area, same light and same nutes and nute cycle. Other than cloning, and location, nothing has changed.
I figured it was either a deficciency or high tds in the soil. So I waited bout 3 days then flushed it in bathtub with 20-30 gals of water.
It has not recieved nutes since. And it continues its decline at a moderate pace.
Well here are the pics, So as I can explain its progression:


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New member
The first pic is showing the leaves as if they are being eaten alive. This is random throughout the plant, its not on all the leaves, primarily on the smaller leaves. I have found no pests, or any indication of a bug problem.

Second pic is showing the leaves with spotting on the edges similiar to nute burn. But their are no or littel nutes in the soil. Also the leaves are twisted and showing mottling or molting as they grow.

Third pic is what set me off that something had changed. The orange was original very dark brown then changed to orange and is dead.

The fourth pic is showing that this issue has not progressed to its clones????? Yet. They have been with the mother pant since they were taken. Now if this was a flying bug issue, wouldn't they have massacred the clones too?

The plant is either a blue berry Kush or a durban poison...Like an idiot I removed the tag, and forgot its geneology.

oh the nutes are strictly General Organics line. Every thing is always PH'd including soil, I got that down pat.

Either way I would love some help with this, since this plant has been through hell the last 3mths

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