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Spider mites and outdoor grows.


Active member
Hello all,

Well, I have spider mites....not bad at the moment but they are here.

I have just two plants in large containers and they look beautiful.

Been in flower for about two weeks.

How do I deal with this?

Benificial mites?\

Setting up a mister at night when the temps drop to raise humidity (it is about 15% humidity at the moment in the middle of the afternoon-it stay dry here) and turn it off in the morning and let it dry out? Will this cause mold-very likely.

Chemicals (Floramite,Avid or Forbid) wwhich I know work but would rather not put them on my smoke.

Blasting them with the hose with a spray nozzle?

What would you do?




dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
i sprayed a friends plant that was infested with a homemade lavender spray, all gone in a week.

turtle farmer

same problem here too........we wiped them out with sierra natural science 217 (sns-217)
and we keep them gone with GC mite,as a preventive tool.....both products are safe to use up to harvest day,we haven't had to spray that late.........brought them home from fort bragg,ca,they were hard to kill at first,then that 217 took care of that.........peace


Active member
A good rain or gentle soaking with a hose will do wonders to cut down on mite populations. Be sure to soak the underside of the leaves.

Gently spray from the bottom up first, and then, top down. Water flushes the critters to the ground and death.

Spiders will work wonders too. Catch a bunch and let nature do it's work. Might be interesting to watch. . .

Outside plants rarely suffer mites the way indoor grows do.


D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Im with Harpo about outdoor and mites. It doesnt really happen in my view, at least not around here. Ive had dozens of crops and hundreds of plants and have never seen a spider mite that wasnt brought from the indoors. But even when carried outdoors they have trouble surviving the extremes of transplanting in april/ may, the occassional 40 degree night followed by thunderstorms, heavy rain and wind, 100 degree blistering sunsine, praying mantisis, lady bugs lacewings and all of the outdoor predators that would chew on tender mites makes for a rough life..

Rotenone/pyrethrins concentrate mixed an 2x the dosage, . Spray your grow room too.
In my area spider mites are a given if planting outdoors cause they are everywhere. Luckily there are a lot of predatory bugs that also eat them but I am with some others here who suggest spraying them down and then using some type of pesticide to get rid of them, focussing on the undersides of the leaves.

For a natural approach lavender does work very well and so does "Mite Rid". Its a product from Australia that is neem oil based but has other things added like ecalyptus Oil and it works incredibly well both indoors out out. The only problem is it also wards of benefical insects like ladybugs etc.

You can also order it from the states now BUT be noted that it is STILL coming from Australia first so might take a bit over a week from ordering.


Freedom Fighter
We just knocked back the worst spidermite infestation we have had yet...with what is looking like total success--
We are in a greenhouse tho, and there are 400 large plants--
We used Einstein Oil first, followed by some stuff my Employer got from Home Depot, called Volck Oil--
I never even heard of Volck before...it says it kills mites and eggs on contact....and tho I was skeptical....it seems to have worked--

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Sounds like what everyone needs to hear kmk420. Ive seen that oil at HD

straintester, doesnt that go to show how growing enviroments and experiences can be so different? If i've learned anything at all from Icmag and talking to other growers, its that many of the aspects of your approach and problems usually only apply to you and your enviroment. I have a buddy that lives about 80 miles away - i havent had rain in weeks and he's had so much he's worried about mould. Add to that equation the fact that cannabis and its response to its enviroment is varied from strain to strain.....its a wonder.
Sounds like what everyone needs to hear kmk420. Ive seen that oil at HD

straintester, doesnt that go to show how growing enviroments and experiences can be so different? If i've learned anything at all from Icmag and talking to other growers, its that many of the aspects of your approach and problems usually only apply to you and your enviroment. I have a buddy that lives about 80 miles away - i havent had rain in weeks and he's had so much he's worried about mould. Add to that equation the fact that cannabis and its response to its enviroment is varied from strain to strain.....its a wonder.
Yes absolutely!!! I totally agree to what you are saying. You now not only have to know how to grow your plants but NEED to know what is growing around you and how and if is being treated and with what; just to combat these environmental problems. What one grower might find extremely effective, another might find not the least bit effective. So much depends on location , weather, strain etc , etc, etc and the list goes on.....
But have to admit, it is most interesting AND keeps us on our toes.
