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Sowahh grow diary


Well-known member
Helle fellow growers, I have finally decided to grow my remaining SOWAHH seeds, I had a pack with 15 seeds last year, I have germinated 4 of them in the spring of 23 and flowered the only female from June till August, she was a fast bloomer for this genetic as I harvested her at day 68. I have not documented this previous grow so no pictures from this girl but I will document this new one, I have still 9 seeds(gave 2 for a special outdoor project) who have just been placed in paper towel to germinate.
I will post pictures when the plants are a few weeks old unless some of you want to see what look like the seedlings. I hope to get a lot of females and will maybe make a few seeds to play with in the future.


Well-known member
Good luck, my friends are all happy with those seeds. I hope you'll be too. I'll grow mine mid 2024 and can't wait for it


Well-known member
Good luck with these, curious to see the different phenotypes that Sowahh offers!I
I hope to find a female I like enough to make a long term keeper, my longest kept genetics was Blood Orange from Bodhi Seeds, a AE77CaliOx Appalacjia cross, me and a friend kept the best female 5 years, usually I keep a selected female for 1,5/2 years on average.


Well-known member
Hi everybody, this germination did not go well, from the 9 seeds I have only 4 healthy seedlings, it was my first time germinating seeds under LED and I badly failed, the plugs I put the opened seeds in were wet as I usually do with HPS light but LED making less heat it stayed damp for too long and some seeds rotted, it was a first for me. I had already lost seedlings but not yet seeds. That's a new fear unlocked ,to see my seeds rotting in their substrate. I only germ seeds in plugs when that's precious seeds but it was not a good idea in this case.
But the grow will go on even if there is less candidate than expected I will grow the remaining seedlings and expect to find a nice female in this run or the next one as I will definitely make a few seeds with the plants I'll get from the 4 survivors.
They are for now in 2L pot with some light mix under 100w Mars Hydro LED, they will stay in this veg box until the current flowering is done and then they will move under my 465W Lumatek LED, it will be in 3/4 weeks max, I'll start to upload pictures at this time I think; they should be big enough to see their structure and small differences between individuals.
I have a few clones of the flowering plants in veg as well to complete the roster and I ordered a few more seeds in a panic but I don't know if they will go in the same session.


Well-known member
sorry to hear that you had trouble germinating them. but good luck with the plants that made it. This strain flowers a long time..but don't cut corners..my friends are all pumped about it. I myself have yet to germinate mine. Can't wait for it. Keep in mind that they stretch quite a bit..if you don't have much space

Happy growing


Well-known member
I have already grown one female from my SOWAHH pack and I have grown many Headanger who has Karma"s SD as mother, I know how this line is supposed to act, I should have enough space to grow them, they will be topped to form some bushes who should not grow too high. The first plant I've flowered from this pack was surprisingly fast, I harvested her at day 68 and I hope none will go over 80 days, I'll maybe flower in 11/13 to be sure.
I'm really not happy about the loss of so many great seeds, the pack was hard enough to get so losing the seeds while germinating it's really annoying. I have to do the best I can with the remaining plants, I don't know how many male/female I'll get but I'll make some seeds that's an obligation now to make another selection. If I get lucky and find a keeper in this 4 plants I still want to have a few seeds to play with in the future.
The seedlings will be vegged for 5/6 weeks, 3 under 100W MarsHydro LED and 2/3 weeks under more wattage until they show some pre-flowers and are big enough to make some nice bushes with 6/8 branches. I have 4 clones in veg as well to fill all the space in flower. Maybe I'll add the seeds I ordered if they are in my hands rapidly, some Black Cherry Punch from In House, I really want to try a cross the BCP and Sowahh, I'm sure the result can be wonderful but it will take most of the year before I can smoke some of these home made buds.


Well-known member
There is a 5th seedling who will maybe make it but I'm not 100% sure. The shell was covered with mold, I managed to remove it and cut one of the cotyledon who was also full of mold, I put it in some soil and it looks like there is still some life for now. I'm not sure it's viable, it shows a strong will to live so maybe it will be good or it will make a mutant, I'll see how it evolves. The seeds are full of life no doubt because if I get a healthy seedling after what the seeds went through it's a true warrior who deserves a spot in my grow.


Well-known member
This is a little visual update of the babies, they are growing at a decent rate for the weak wattage of the light, it's my first veg with the small 100w from Mars Hydro. There is 5 Sowahh and the seedling just getting out of soil is a Black Cherry Punch.
I don't know if the light is too far or too close.
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Well-known member
The plants are growing at a nice pace I think, I can't upload any picture to show the evolution but they look good to me. At least 2 of them, the other are pretty slow because of the messed-up germination. I hope they will be able to recover from the stress and will soon grow faster.
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Well-known member
This is a little update on the grow, the seedlings were a bit slow those last days because it was extremely cold where I live and the 100w LED don't provide the same type of heat a MH/HPS would in those conditions.
The plants are still able to grow and thrive just slowly compared to heated grow, the 5 Sowahh are at different stages of growth as they had different type of stress to overcome.I'm amazed by the development of the branches, the 2 biggest have already some nice sprout at the nodes.

The 2 small seedlings are the Black cherry Punch, I don't understand why those 2 stretched like that when the Sowahh under the same light didn't. When repotted I'll put the extra lenght of stem in soil.


Well-known member
Here are the Sowahh at 3 weeks there is a huge difference in size,3 are still pretty smell and 2 are much bigger with nice branches on several nodes. I have to transplant them all in bigger pots, they will all go in 7L for sexing, they will very soon go under the bigger light; There is a few crooked leaves but the new growth look good.


Well-known member
This is the weekly update, the growth have speed up those last days and I just transfer the plants under the bigger light. I have to get more soil to be able to transplant all the seedlings in 7L pot until they show pre-flowers, only 3 so far are in 7L of soil. The little differences of shapes are beginning ro be visible in the leaves.