Hi again, well I am actually a newb to this site myself but ask all you like...
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Nice setup, I am building a micro setup myself just so I can pop those seeds into veg and then plant them outside soon...
What lights are you using?
When you make the transfer outdoors you should take the plants out side for 1 hour then put them back in and the next day for 2 hours the next day 4 hours, repeat until they actually feel tougher and can stay outside for over 18 hours.
by hardening I just mean letting the Plants getting used to the real environment. If you just switch them right away they could be stressed because the change was so great. Wind will make your plants thicker because they will not want to get blown away, but other thinks like the diffrence in an outdoor environment could strain your plants. "It's like my mama always says, Better safe than-than sorry. My mama says that too. Aren't all mamas the same? Yes"
Like I said before, take them out your grow room for a couple hours and move them into the climate they will be grown in. The next day move them out the GR for a few more hours. Then the 3rd, 4th, 5th day progressively more until the leaves will actually feel tougher and when then they will be ready for outdoor climate.