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Some People Know How to Have Fun, Still

Madrus Rose

post 69
Hindu Festival of color ..








Madrus Rose

post 69
Have to love that last picture ...there's many more pics that are just beautiful if you follow the link but the expression on that guys face is about the most classic i've ever seen .

while the world worries about oil, bank bail outs & Wall Street making money .....these people just simply celebrating each other and life's awesome color & beauty . We live in a shining , resplendent universe of light ...even a child can see it & knows it .

IC could use a few more positive threads , instead of cop shootings
and busts & all the negativity .
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Have to love that last picture ...there's many more pics that are just beautiful but the expression on that guys face is about the most classic i've ever seen .

while the world worries about oil, bank bail outs & Wall Street making money .....these people just simply celebrating life's awesome color & beauty .

IC could use a few more positive threads , instead of cop shootings
and busts & all the negativity .

:ying::ying::ying: riight on point

Madrus Rose

post 69
watch a "a idiot abroad " (india) youll figure it out.

Do know that largest gatherings in the world of people in one place , for the celebration of life's sacredness & beauty was noted by the greeks over in India in those gatherings by the river Ganges ...recorded some 300yrs BCE .

That record still stands today when over 50million gathered at the Ganges for the last Purna Kumbha Mela gathering to wash away the old baggage & cleanse their souls . Gives new meaning to the song " Take Me To The River " ya think ? ;)

* Interesting quote by Mark Twain written after he experienced Kumbha Mela in 1895, over 115 years back , "telling it like it is" as good old Sam was prone to do

"It is wonderful, the power of a faith like that, that can make multitudes upon multitudes of the old and weak and the young and frail enter without hesitation or complaint upon such incredible journeys. It is done in love, or it is done in fear; I do not know which it is. No matter what the impulse is, the act born of it is beyond imagination, marvelous to our kind of people, the cold whites."


Active member
^ so many intillectuals here i love it.

it does look like they have it poppin over there,i could definatley get into it espeacially with my fav. herb.


my cousin was telling me about a indian color splash festival they held last week at college she attends... i want to experience it atleast once.

Madrus Rose

post 69
another couple of pics from The Atlantic article ....makes me want to read more of their issues if they do such great human interest pieces like this ...and the photography is amazing . Thank you Atlantic for letting me link to you ;)





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What were we talking about?
Great thread!

Those are some really nice photos. Looks like they are all having a blast.
another couple of pics from The Atlantic article ....makes me want to read more of their issues if they do such great human interest pieces like this ...and the photography is amazing . Thank you Atlantic for letting me link to you ;)


holy motherrrrfucccckah


would love to be there and experience that first hand..must be extremely intense amazing but comfortable at the same time

anybody else meet a blue deity while on high dose shrooms?


Madrus Rose

post 69
holy motherrrrfucccckah


would love to be there and experience that first hand..must be extremely intense amazing but comfortable at the same time

anybody else meet a blue deity while on high dose shrooms?


Epic looking shrooms!!

( God's Phallus )
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Old School Cottonmouth
I'm sure its fun but I don't think I'd want to inhale all that paint dust and it getting in my eyes and stuff.

I guess I'm a lil too much like Mr. Pilkington.