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Some cannabis outlets removed from iTunes, Facebook, Instagram


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"Oakland’s Harborside Health Center — one of the largest medical marijuana dispensaries in the country — maintained a Facebook page for five years without any complaints. Last month, without warning, the page was taken down. The same thing happened to the dispensary on Instagram, a photo-sharing service owned by Facebook.

Harborside officials say Facebook’s only explanation was an on-screen message that read: “We remove any promotion or encouragement of drug use.”

Despite the federal government’s attempt to close it, Harborside remains a legally operating, city-licensed facility dispensing marijuana to patients with a doctor’s prescription — a service that has been legal in California since 1996. Yet it is one of a couple dozen marijuana-related businesses that have seen their social media pages darkened or their apps yanked from Apple’s iTunes stores in recent months with little warning or explanation."


In my opinion, Facebook and Apple are getting way too big for their britches. This is just plain wrong!!! Harborside Health Center is a model dispensary and has never been charged, let alone convicted of a crime. I think Facebook and other social media sites, are just towing the government's anti-marijuana agenda.

I really feel like throwing my iPhone in the recycle bin! I have never had a Facebook account but if I did, I would close it! NOW! This just makes me SO angry!!! Grrrrrrrrr!


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ICMag Donor
fuck iTunes,facebook and instagram..altho I aint a harborside fan either...

What do you find wrong with Harborside, ST? From everything I have heard and read, they are a very reputable mmj dispensary. They serve over 250,000 people, from reports I have seen. I'm just curious as to why you are not a fan.


if it smells like fish
What do you find wrong with Harborside, ST? From everything I have heard and read, they are a very reputable mmj dispensary. They serve over 250,000 people, from reports I have seen. I'm just curious as to why you are not a fan.

there is stuff that goes on behind the scenes...they are not about compassion ..they are about business and crushing any competition...when you have awesome financial backing it makes that easy..nuff said yeehaw


ICMag Donor
What do you find wrong with Harborside, ST? From everything I have heard and read, they are a very reputable mmj dispensary. They serve over 250,000 people, from reports I have seen. I'm just curious as to why you are not a fan.

It's not the store or the service they provide...

The problem resides in the fuck head that's supposedly NOT making a profit.



Well-known member
It's not the store or the service they provide...

The problem resides in the fuck head that's supposedly NOT making a profit.


if you turn no profit whatsoever, you can NOT pay your employees/taxes/expenses etc. every CEO, whether head of a for-profit or non-profit, gets a salary unless they are independently wealthy. this fact REQUIRES that they turn a profit. it is what that they DO with the money that is "excess" that determines their non-profit status I believe...I just wish he would ditch the idiotic "pork-pie" hats & cut his fucking hair if he expects anyone to take him seriously. why do these companies keep putting people in front of the cameras that look like they were just laid off from a carnival freak show? they are not helping themselves or us by looking like that but saying "hey, we are just normal folks like the rest of you..." no, not wearing a fucking skirt & eye-liner you're not. stop looking like a damn drunk-ass carnie & middle-America will start taking your arguments more seriously. you can look like anything you want on your own time, but when you are representing the rest of us you need to try... JMHO


ICMag Donor
if you turn no profit whatsoever, you can NOT pay your employees/taxes/expenses etc. every CEO, whether head of a for-profit or non-profit, gets a salary unless they are independently wealthy. this fact REQUIRES that they turn a profit. it is what that they DO with the money that is "excess" that determines their non-profit status I believe...I just wish he would ditch the idiotic "pork-pie" hats & cut his fucking hair if he expects anyone to take him seriously. why do these companies keep putting people in front of the cameras that look like they were just laid off from a carnival freak show? they are not helping themselves or us by looking like that but saying "hey, we are just normal folks like the rest of you..." no, not wearing a fucking skirt & eye-liner you're not. stop looking like a damn drunk-ass carnie & middle-America will start taking your arguments more seriously. you can look like anything you want on your own time, but when you are representing the rest of us you need to try... JMHO

"You're soo vain
I bet you think this song is about you."


this case may have something to do with it. My fake FB page got locked and all I had on it was all the gazillion seed pages and breeders as friends, etc. No arguements, no reported posts, nothing, but I was amazed at the wide fucking openness of some of the folks, Dynasty and some other come to mind. Of course all macro shots, lol. Also notice in the story how they got her cell and what they did with it?! But seems as if she got the last laugh if she finished her weekends in jail to satisfy the sentence, then got the cash.



Sorry, I didn't mean to imply a criminal action, just that FB will shut you down if they find out or if reported. I see many seedsters on fb just change to a personal name of somesort, seems to be the trend, or a play on a name. Not all though, so they must check either legal states or countries, it would seem. Like a few seed companies and start seeing who they suggest for ya, its the wild west, almost better than forums:biggrin:

I read the article but I Dont see where anyone was ever charged with a crime for a fake Facebook.


if it smells like fish
I only go to facebook with a fake account...I would never have a real account in my name...I aint that stoned

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