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Solar NRG HPS 1000 wtt Bulbs



Anyone ever see this bulb or use it.I ordered one awhile back and am using it now.It has 160,000 Lumens :eek: .Sun Master has 150,000 - Solar Max has 147,000 and Hortilux has 145,000 Its the same price as the Sun Master and the Solar Max at $119.99-Great bulb though and 160 lm's is high output. :canabis: NG1000W
Color Rendering Index: Ra-10
Color Temperature: 2063K
Red Color Ratio: 16.8%
Lumens: 160,000


Active member
I wish they would rate all bubls in PAR to make the most sense as far as the plants are concerned. I have a few friends that have them and no complaints so far!
I agree with badmf

I agree with badmf

Lumens don't mean crap. Lumen are based on human vision and not plant requirments. I think it is a marketing gimmick. DWW are using growing a plant you know under the new light to get a feel whether the lamp does perform better than others? I, myself, am a spectra man. If there is a big peak anywhere around 550 nm then the bulb sucks. Plants can use about 10% of 550nm light so the other 90% is good for your vision. I would be curious how well the lamp works for ya. :wave:


Hey Nugs :wave: I am using it for the first time,but growin a strain that i have grown 3 times b4 and this is my 4th.So i know it alittle,so i hope to see a difference.Last grow i used A/N nutes and had a Hortilux bulb.This time i have the NRG bulb and am going organic(fox farm Earth Juice PB Bloom EJ micro) So im not growin the same way as the last.The buds seem alot denser than b4,but im only at day 32 12/12,so well see if this bulb works the way its billed.So far im on the fence wether i like it better than the Hortilux. :joint: DWW


What's 10000 lumens, lol.. thats the difference of two florescent bulbs!


chodo said:
What's 10000 lumens, lol.. thats the difference of two florescent bulbs!
Why buy a hortilux instead of a Standard 1000 wt hps then?its only 5,000 lms more?Its like when i switched two 34 wtt flouro bulbs in each of my 4 ft fixture's in Veg, to two 40 wtt growlux flouro bulbs each.It was only a little upgrade -but it was an upgrade. Just trying to get the most outta what i can.Im not even sure yet if there is gonna be a noticeable difference,but its worth a try. :joint: :wave: DWW


Hmm..sounds like crazy lamp.. I have heard of PAR before but exactly how would you rate it, as how many PARS would be good for a plant by sq.ft. Sorry if its a stupid question, I am still learning.


The Tri Guy
Whats a par?
What does P.A.R. stand for?
Who is PAR?

Assuming no 2 is the right question, but then I dont know so?


PARs is photosynthetically active radiation. It's a measure of the amount of light produced weighted by the spectrum that a plant uses for photosynthesis. So it's a measure of light produced that will drive photosynthesis.


That was sort of sarcastic... it has more to do with color that is rendered. Standard HPS bulbs work for big flowers, Thats a fact, but if you add in a metal halide about 25% of hte bulbs in your room or so, it will make a huge impact when you go with more lights. More so that the mild blue those other bulbs put out, but if you are only using one bulb, then yeah, do what you can with what you can.


OG has a good PAR link - is there one over here? :confused:

If 90,000 lux is the sun and the babies need 50,000 - what is that translated to lumens and PAR. Hmmm...here I go back into the FAQs! :biglaugh:

If you don't see me around for a couple days send someone in for me! :eek:

Cover me, I'm going in! :wave: