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this thread is only for amusement, the only way to solve my issues is through the benefit of immediate observation and application.

but because i always have such tremendous rapport with any and all communities wherever they occur,

and because i've always been so well accoutred with modern technology that transferring images between devices is the proverbial doddle that i'm just going to rebel and not even think of starting to do this,

i can't grow for shit any more. i don't know what the fuck it is but as the years go by i find more ways i never knew to screw myself.

the real answers are answers that You Can't Handle and you're too chicken to admit it.

my current veg area is in a closet in an unused bedroom with no observable insect or mold behaviour (in southern arizona). the top of the closet is about 72f with the lights on. i've grown in a dozen venues indoors outdoors, over 50 grows, not over 100.

the rest of the house is in the sixties, 62 at the lowest, which is the lowest it's gonig to drop at night.

seedlings are under 2 low wattage cfls and 2 low wattage led lights. i've seen plants veg under these exact lights all the way a couple times.

in the small grows i manage to finish (in the last two years 3/4 of my grows have failed due to leafhoppers, stop growing entirely) i make a lot of seeds. often more seeds than i make bud unfortunately.

when the weather outside is in the eighties, i can usually germinate fairly well, like a normal motherfucker.

but somethnig happens in the winters that is part of my whole really bad grow juju. see if you have any insight or ideas. i can't wait to read them.

because like that burce bugbee motherfucker i all "you can throw all the light at your plants they'll take it" and eg. after using a PAR meter i've been torturing my plants with thousands of ppfd from inexpensive lights ($32, 220 watts from wall yeah baby) so they don't even fucking grow. i put a piece of paper over the light, now they're growing. amazing. fuck you bruce. true, low light, plant stretches. my 10 week old garden is still three fucking inches asshole. all because i could afford some new lights.

so anyway back to the seedlings.

when i was young, or when the weather's alright, i can pretty much use my seeds, and hit at least 60% germ, maybe 80%, making it through whatever germ procedure i'm using to being alive plants.

but apparently it's a bit too fucking cold in here. or something.

this is why i mentioned using flats with 18 slots.

i'm putting maybe a half dozen seeds in each slot. that's over 100 seeds.

at least half of these seeds are produced this spring. totally healthy seeds, grown to maturity, nice colour.

the reason i'm putting 6 seeds in each cell is because th emotherfuckers do. not. grow.

for this new moon, i've sown FOUR asshole flats. that's appx. 400 of my precious seeds.

they are doing maybe 8 little germs per flat. i can crack open the cells, do whatever kind of surgery or soak or assist or unassist, and all my seeds apart from the odd one here and there just don't grow at all. i've used the fuckign fancy distilled water. new soil. too cool too hot too dry too wet.

it is like there is a place in hell where seeds never grow and it's here. old seeds new seeds. i go through this in the winter. it's going ot be alright in march. but i do not understand why the fucking plant won't grow in this shit and i'd like to hear about it from volunteer experts about what shit i mus thave wrong because fuck if this shit isn't shit isn't it?

i mean that's enough for only timewasters but you don't understand about the curse and the leafhoppers the way they followed me every fucking where. you know you try to hit them and they get mad and stick on you like "ima ride this mfer he must have some good shit to fuck up"

you know when you wish yo uhad an enlarging gun so you could make the motherfucker big enough to punch in the nuts

i don
t have enough weed to get angry enough to deal with this, but this is every day. so now you write some dumb shit as well if you fancy pal.


"those notherfuckers won't grow"

thanks for playing


Active member
oh no i got that wrong. the first two flats of 18 (half a dozen seeds per cell) were consolidated down to one flat of 8. so that's a rate of 4 survivors per appx. 100 seeds.

srsly this is not just fuck you winter


Active member
keep on gonig..

last flower...

transplanted from solo cups to 5 gallons. left a couple inches of soil in the 5 gallons that i didn't mix up. the cans had been sitting outside and it was a bit moist, i figured a bit of moist soil in the bottom would stop the soil from running out when i carried the cans to the grow area from the potting area on the back porch.

not unreasonable, right? it wasn't saturated, i hydrated the soil i put on top of that a touch so it wasn't hydrophobic, but i know what i'm doing. i worked for three fucking professional nurseries.

but don't you know those plants all got together and said, hey, there's water down there, i'm afraid, and curled up like i'd watered them like someone who hasn't spent decades watering plants especially weed plants in cans. they all stalled and i got about 2 ounces instead of 8 ounces.

i can only run three gorws a year before it's too hot here how the fuck am i supposed to smoke two ounces

here's wha ti did next.

ordered that new light, $32, apelila, 220 watts from wall, wow.

my veg had been topped at 3-4 weeks, it was week 4-5, the light shows up on my porch, i was gonna use it for bloom but i can use it temporarily to expand my veg area, throw a dozen veg plants into olo cups from flats under it and proceed to murder them with light.

but the neat thing is that before the light showed up, i'd jsut watered those plants in the flats.

so when i transplanted them into solo cups, i was again, like, well, i can't put a lot of water in here, because they'll shit on me.

and what do you know, those little plants said, hey, there's enough water right here in this plug, we don't need to grow any roots for at least a month, mother, fucker.

and that's how you get 3" tall plants at 10 weeks, again, for an entirely new, different reason you never had in your life before, even though you grow and grow and grow.

and you always grow tiny fucked up little plants, over and over and over again, because the curse of hell is on you, and that's just gonna earn you derision and shit, because fuck all these masons huh kids you shut up real fast

i remember when that kid was standing in the back yard, looking at my plant, looking at me. his controller was right there, telling him what to do.

don't die.

sure is a green plant. you like aphids, kid?

you know you can grow this shit somewhere it grow then send it to me for less than a million fucking dollars asshole


Active member
me three. that's the first thing, clean all the containers. god knows what could be in those spray bottles. yeppers. but that's not it either.

hint: it talks, but it's invisible.


Active member
here's kinda my perspective on grow forums,

they're kinda like music tech forums, you can tak about this and you can talk about that, but you cannot talk about the one thing which is what musicians do. no culture no politics too controversial because these people are from a society.

i think one of the most commonly quoted weed references from ancient china says, smoke the leaves, hear the dead.

but you can't talk that shit anywhere. too many time is money assholes who can't see an inch further than their ass or at least prefer to keep suckers that way.

can't win em all, best of luck with that


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Active member
you see, if i attach the image, it won't give me a space to click in the field to add text.

that last post was goin fto be called retard report #1 but thqat goes to not letting me have a place ot add text

what's wrong here

indian haze. i planted over seventy (70) plants for last summer. this one finished. you will note the diminuitive size comapred to the container.

note that asshole fucker did not grow a fucker inch after may. after it got hot, and after leafhoppers, it did, not, grow.

did nto grow.

DID! NOT! grow!

i don't know how it flowered. there's not a lot of weight on it, it's fluffy as fuck. tha'ts today, january.

the seeds, pollenated like october, are still green.

you see, you're talking to someone who grows seventy plants, and ends up with one, that doesn't have a quarter on it.

do you know what it/s like to see a plant not grow for eight months?


Active member
those are tiny little hazes covered with pistils at 16 weeks. i got tired an dshut down the lights and left them in the front.

those are fine. just to show, there's plants that are healthy. they grew indoors, with lots and lots of azamax.


Active member
god i fucking wish i could put text and images in the same post like i used to be ablew to but you know! shits fucked huh

gaze upon the horror of several varieties and ages of seeds which are all unable to respond to light and moisture and 62-74f temps. this is typical, i see this all the time. many seedlings are peeled. many are not. here and there, one is alright and will grow.

it's alway slike this when it's december and january and february.

but if you zoom in, you'll see things that were not meant to exist


Active member
look at these beauties... 10 weeks.

fucker on the lef twith the perpendicular fan leaves
about 5 weeks ago, every cell on that plant was present. all plants were topped and verdant. soaked the plug, transplanted, leaves sagged, couldn't water it, went thru weeks of patiently waiting for it to dry enough for me to add water and coax growth. finally those leaves pop back up have a nice fvacation fuckhole?

the one to the right of it has exploded iwth 2" f growth in the last week, being totall yfrozen before that. it was a fucking 2 incfh stick for five weeks.

want to grow today SSHOLE?

how about to fucking day adsshole? want to dgrow today?

if i had waited even 24 hours before transplanting them for the plugs to dry, it would have been somethin glike reality, but i had to do this thing, that made life unreally, stupidly retarded, AGAIN, like always, in an entirely new way. oh the fuck well. it's not like they coul dhave transplanted and just sort of dried out at some relatively normal rate, no those plugs took a fucking month.

can't help it, just going for the "wow kicked to shit again!" award nominees
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Well-known member
Pests and environmental conditions can provide some challenges alright. Really makes one respect proper farmers whose livelihood depends on a good crop, along with everyone's food supply.


Active member
low, it's southern AZ

i've grown for a wile and i used to grow in this house quite effectively, healthy plants, every time.

then someone died, and someone who doesn't like me came by and took out the AC. so the inside temp isn't quite the median of human comfort most residences are.

i'll tell you what the problem is is magic, you don't need to try and figure it out. how else do you get 1 plant surviving out of over seventy.

i also grew over forty plants to flower outside in march, like i normally do in arizona. all of those got fucked. all in all i must have seen about 300 plants get fucked in th elast two years, normally i'd grow about maybe forty in a year? all my plants have gotten fucked for about two years, back when this weed growing satanic faggot from bisbee started working at my job. bzb is the satanic faggot capital of the world.

he's just one hired gun. you don't understand because you didn't have leafhoppers in your face evrywhere you went or been dealing with assholes in the masons and LFM/templarios faggoterios

keep buying weed from those cool guys in baseball caps with little ring of facial hair around they mouths
Arizona has a weed curse. It's the inner butthole of the weed universe, in a bad way. Every bad weed thought a pot grower has ever thought ends up in the Arizona weed consciousness. Sorry you've been caught up in the sacrificial fire.

Fuck Arizona weed, their med program makes cancer patients die faster than average, going by the data. I'd move to Mexico if I were you just to get away from the bad juju of that scene. It ain't just the weed scene anymore, Arizona is the general dumping grounds of the US.