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snap clamp


is it possible to make your own snap clamp for pvc pipe

can you just get a pipe that is a little bit bigger and cut it in half

i need away to attach the poly to the pvc frame


i need to make a cover/greenhouse for the rain to stop mold while my plant finishes i may have to use wood but wanted to do small pvc hoop style but cant find snap clamps anywhere around but on the net so i was wondering if anyone has evey made there own or something to attach the poly to the pvc


you can order 4 feet of snap clamp at a time and cut it your self. depending on what diameter it is it ranges from 4-8 dollars a stick.
is it possible to make your own snap clamp for pvc pipe

can you just get a pipe that is a little bit bigger and cut it in half

i need away to attach the poly to the pvc frame
Yes you can, but like the picture above shows you only want to cut out a tiny bit from the pipe.

I've always worried about snap clamps pulling off, so if you're as paranoid as I am you could consider some self tapping screws.

City Twin

I have both official Snap Clamps and DIY Poly Pipe clips in use around the place. Polys made from same sizes as the pvc in use.

For smaller hoop frame cover arrangements short poly clip is the one that works. For larger box frames the Snap Clamps are nice because they are easier on and off. The larger polys take some two handed spreading.

In a strong wind the polys have held while Snaps have popped loose. Both used on a box frame shade house.

Take care cutting the poly. It takes some attention to keep your blade from wondering through the material.

Peace and Safety all