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Smoking WITH your kids...

I know the topic of kids has been brought up before, but who here smokes with their kids, and knows that it brings you together? gimme some stories..

I'm in college and when my buddies dad comes to pick him up from break, he always brings him down some bags of haze..my roommate returns the favor by having pre-rolled joints ready for the ride home...

He's also able to be more relaxed smoking on campus..the main punishment is a couple certified letters home to parents, and a very small fine..no arrest or campus probation...

If my parents smoked, I would spend more time with them, and less time going out to others friends houses smoking where their parents don't care...I can only imagine how close we would really be, and how open i could be with my life...

And I doubt my parents would be screwups if they smoked...Most of us on here show that you can smoke and be successful if you still try.


Ask your mates da to adopt ya!
Nawh jokin dude :laughing:
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I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
Kiefer Suthrlnd said:
I know the topic of kids has been brought up before, but who here smokes with their kids, and knows that it brings you together? gimme some stories..

I'm in college and when my buddies dad comes to pick him up from break, he always brings him down some bags of haze..my roommate returns the favor by having pre-rolled joints ready for the ride home...

He's also able to be more relaxed smoking on campus..the main punishment is a couple certified letters home to parents, and a very small fine..no arrest or campus probation...

If my parents smoked, I would spend more time with them, and less time going out to others friends houses smoking where their parents don't care...I can only imagine how close we would really be, and how open i could be with my life...

And I doubt my parents would be screwups if they smoked...Most of us on here show that you can smoke and be successful if you still try.

you have to rememeber that not everyone smokes... the dad of your friend is just a really good father because he found out what his son likes and made it work out best for both of them - its called synergy. On the flip side, the son is a smart son because he found out that his father likes to blaze up, and he has joints ready for him at all times..


I think alot of parents who smoke would smoke with their children... but i also think that alot of parents who smoke want to make sure that their children are capable of maintaining a healthy and productive lifestyle first...
I tried that the first time i met him...and he said he would!!! :rasta:

I think I'm too old for adoption....damn :joint:

Weezy, I'm saying tho, I know when I have kids I'll be doing the same thing..so where are all the old timers on here who do it??

I was hoping they would have some stories and not be like...oh My kid knows I do, but stays away from weed or..I hide it from my kids totally...
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I smoke with both my kids but they ain't kids no more. They are in their 20's. It does bring you closer in that there isn't any hiding or lying and as such you can concentrate on the real issues. I wouldn't go the other route for anything. I like the openness.


Active member
My mother and I have had an understanding that both of us smoke for several years now.

I knew that she occasionally used all throughout my highschool years, but still kept my toking a secret up until I had graduated college. Afterwards it became an open secret kind of. While we may both be smoking in the house (for the few months I lived there after college) we would never be smoking together and just look the other way. I suppose she felt a bit wrong smoking pot with her son, and I cannot blame her for that.

However, we are very close perhaps becuase of our shared love for canabis. Even though we dont ever partake together, we are both inevitably stoned at many of the same times.

I really do love the relationship I have with my mother, even though we dont pass joints around together!

Pot really can bring people together:friends:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
being a (young) parent, im certainly not going to be judgemental, but whether try and let the youth make their own decisions and learn from them. when i was growing up that is what my parents did with me and i turned out... decent. my parents smoked herb. when they found out i did it , they tried to tell me it was bad and i shouldnt do it, but the stuff i was smoking was out of my dads bag i had pinched -- so they couldnt really say too much without being overly hipocritical. however my parents also used lsd, ecstacy, cocaine, peyote, mushrooms, and a whole host of perscription pills.

I can tell you all first hand that cannabis is not a gateway drug. In fact before i was even a pot smoker, i was a heavy meth addict.. it was only after the 4-5 all nighters i would smoke a little bowl to beat the "comedown". Not to mention I grew up around drugs, they were everywhere. out of my own personal mission i quit smoking tweek after nearly 4.5 years and thank the lord everyday that i have been able to kick it. now i only use cannabis and my life is much happier (and healthier). I only hope that our generation will be the one to end the propaganda and the paranoia behind cannabis legalization, because this is a substance that should be allowed for anyone to partake (of the right age) just as alcohol and tobacco.


I would not smoke with my kids. Matter of fact they had better have glaucoma or some incurable disease If i catch them.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969

Both of my kids grew up in a home where their Dad (me) both smoked and grew his own. Of course, they recognized from an early age that it was medication in my case. They have both helped me with my growing where there was heavy lifting and bending that was easier for them to do then me. As such, they have been exposed to it since their teen years. Both were raised to make wise decisions for themselves, and live with the consequenses. While they have both tried pot, neither one chose to make it part of their lives and don't smoke at all. They are now both adults and professionals. The point here is that if you bring up your children with love, guidance, and honesty, they will turn out fine and be able to make their own wise choices.

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stoned agin ...
had friends that smoked with their kids and it turned out fine, but you have to watch it if their young, one time the teacher asked the kids to draw a picture of their parent and no shit this kid brought in a pic of dad in the easy chair with a beer and what was obviously sac next to him, him blazin one up like a stick man with the smile big joint with curly smoke LOL :rasta:

one friend sat the kids down at a pretty young age and explained the whole situation, including legal, to them. another, it just got obvious that the kid was smokin too so they might as well burn together :rasta:
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Active member
ICMag Donor
Right on, lil wayne!
I think many of us feel the same way as you described.
I for sure want to see my job through with the kids gettin em raised proper.
If they have the right tools, then they should be able to handle life.
My kids have always known I smoked, but never, ever, in front of them. I am as stealth with them as I am when with business associates.

And I have explained to all of my kids why it is that I am such a friggin hypocrite. At some point in time, not sure when, I turned into my mom and dad. And I feel very confident that one day the kids will also, turn into me and their mom.

BTW...me and the old lady raised 4, last one graduated HS this past week!
We are pretty much done now. Time for us now.

Don Cotyle

My sons and I have allways been close. I allways tried to find the time to take them fishing,hunting,camping,cub scouts,boy scouts,Y.A.B.A bowling leagues, hobbies, etc! I never smoked with my older son now around 31. My younger son came down with a sudden illness that we found out at the emergency room was a very bad bout with type 1 juvinille diabetes at age 15.He was sick for 3 days and getting worse, after 3 days in the hospital he was border line to a diabetic coma and was medivaced to Johns-Hopkins where he spent another 7 days before being released. Three months from his release he came home the day after his 16th birthday drunk as a skunk. The next morning when he was sober and hungover I had a talk with him. Yes I had the propaganda talk with him when he 12 that it was bad for ya also! I rolled a doobie and asked him if he knew what it was...yes he did! I struck a deal with him that if he didn't drink again I would allow him to smoke with me once in a great while! He made a better "class" of friends, not a bunch of drunken teenagers!!! Yes I have a few drinks once in a while and when I was young I was a heavy drinker! But this was for his health!!! I had a friend years that lost his eyesight,then feet,then kidneys and died from alcohol, he was also a diabetic! Anyway we live way out in the country so kids drank for entertainment. Our bargan stuck,he graduated school on the homor roll, very intelligent! He's now in college, costing me a small fortune...thankfull for grants and scholarships to help!!!

We still enjoy smokeing together and if it wasn't for his condition, NO, not till he was 18 and he would of had to bring it up! Hell he even helped with my grows, another hobbie? I grow because I enjoy it,love the smoke and for cronic pain relief. I don't think I did the wrong thing and my Lady and I did talk it over first!!!
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its a line to be crossed using caution. parents are first and foremost "parents", authority figures, alpha in the family link, and so on...its fine to do "friendly" things with your kids, but it is dangerous to try and become their friend. that's not what they want or need. they truly want you to always be a parent and can be very disappointed if you fail to fulfill that role. sharing things as friends; concerts, smoking the herb, and other activities are all very good. but you should not risk your most important relationship by trying to become their friend. just as you will always perceive them as your children, they will always perceive you as their parent. otherwise there is confusion in the basic relationship. once a parent surrenders the role and becomes a "friend"...the relationship can become awkward. can you imagine how profoundly hurt you would be if your children changed their primary role and wanted to be your friend instead of your children?

each case is different and age will play a role also. i smoke with my kids but i try not to step beyond the line....its something they do with their "father".
thinman said:
its a line to be crossed using caution. parents are first and foremost "parents", authority figures, alpha in the family link, and so on...its fine to do "friendly" things with your kids, but it is dangerous to try and become their friend. that's not what they want or need. they truly want you to always be a parent and can be very disappointed if you fail to fulfill that role. sharing things as friends; concerts, smoking the herb, and other activities are all very good. but you should not risk your most important relationship by trying to become their friend. just as you will always perceive them as your children, they will always perceive you as their parent. otherwise there is confusion in the basic relationship. once a parent surrenders the role and becomes a "friend"...the relationship can become awkward. can you imagine how profoundly hurt you would be if your children changed their primary role and wanted to be your friend instead of your children?

each case is different and age will play a role also. i smoke with my kids but i try not to step beyond the line....its something they do with their "father".

thats the damn truth. parents first. growing up we used to all buy our weed from my friends parents. they were the cool parents, but there kids were generall giant fuck ups. you need to have established "parentdom" long before trying to be there friend. once they are grown up and making there own decisions well thats another thing all together. my dad always busted my balls when i got caught smoking, but he was never a douche about it. i could tell deep down he was cool with it, he just wanted to make sure i was on the right path and not pissing my life away on drugs. i will always respect him for that. some parents go too far on the anti drug side and thats just as bad if not worse. the key is to understand your kids and influence them in the righte direction. not try and rule them with an iron fist. you wouldnt respond to that and neither will they.
be there parent, they demand it, be there friend when they need it. NEVER be there enabler.

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