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Smoking Marijuana for 50 Years, and Turning Out Just Fine


ICMag Donor
( an asides, I've been smoking weed since 1968 )

<TIME class=dateline datetime="2015-04-12">APRIL 12, 2015</TIME>

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<FIGCAPTION class=caption itemprop="caption description">Catherine Hiller, author of "Just Say Yes: A Marijuana Memoir," at Prospect Park in Brooklyn, where she believes she first smoked marijuana in the 1960s. Credit David Gonzalez/The New York Times </FIGCAPTION></FIGURE>


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As much as Catherine Hiller refuses to admit it, marijuana is a gateway drug. Seriously, after smoking more or less every day for the past 50 years, there had to be some consequences. Yet, she did not go to jail after a random police stop. She did not end up strung out on heroin, sprawled in an alley. She didn’t even binge-munch herself into obesity.
Her daily puffs led her to write a book, “Just Say Yes: A Marijuana Memoir.”
Just in case people approached her story waiting for the Lifetime movie moment of regret and picking up the pieces of a broken life, she started her book in the present day, flashing back, if you will, to the rest of her life. As a writer — she has published novels and short stories — the approach was an entertaining challenge. As a wife, daughter of an activist and proud mother of three young men, she wanted to show that her life turned out nicely.
“I wanted to show people that smoking marijuana did not make me hit rock bottom,” Ms. Hiller, 68, said. “My story is the story of so many people who use each day. And so what? What’s the issue? What will it lead to?”
Well, in the case of minority youths, it could lead to jail time and a criminal record, something Ms. Hiller feels is unjust. Recently, a young man smoking a joint in a Bronx building was mortally injured when he fell off a roof while running from police officers who entered the lobby after reports that marijuana was being used in public view. On the other hand, she and other marijuana advocates wonder about the criminal charges attached to using when banks, like HSBC, laundered drug money but got off with a fine and no criminal indictments.
She has experienced the disparities of race and class when it comes to how law enforcement looks at smokers. In her book, she recounts how after she and her first husband lit up in their car, a policeman flashed a spotlight on them, told them to put out the joint and then waved them off. After an essay adapted from her book was published in The New York Times, someone accused her of living in a cocoon of white privilege.
“Maybe I won’t get stopped,” she said. “But I wrote this not because of my privilege, but because I think it’s absurd that anyone would get stopped for this. Whatever I can do to legalize it, I will.”
She had taken a dim view of marijuana when she was a teenager living in Park Slope, Brooklyn, in 1963 and learned that a girlfriend got high at a party. Like someone who took her cue from the propaganda film “Reefer Madness,” she thought her friend would descend into a dissolute life of jazz and juke joints.
But somehow, Ms. Hiller changed her mind not too long afterward. In fact, she practiced by smoking cigarettes, waiting for her chance to get high. That came when she befriended Myles, a young man who showered her with attention. He offered her her first joint, which they shared — she thinks — in Prospect Park in Brooklyn (followed by a trip to a bar).
“I had the world’s best hamburger,” Ms. Hiller said. “Inside, I thought, ‘This is for me.’ Perhaps euphoria is too strong a word, but things just seemed great.”
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Since the mid-1960s, her habit — and yes, she admits a dependency, just as she says someone might have a dependency on coffee — has continued for a half century, though she took breaks for pregnancy and for nursing her babies as well as a three-year hiatus soon after meeting Mark, her current husband. She is emphatic that she did not smoke around her boys, but did offer them a joint once they turned 18 (and were already smoking).
People might think she is some sort of party girl, but to hear her tell it, she is somewhat sedate. Ms. Hiller has had the same dealer for 35 years, watching as his regulars have gotten older and grayer. And there are many things she will not do while high, including driving and attending gatherings where she does not know many people.
Ms. Hiller is looking forward to her book tour, which will take her to at least one dispensary on the West Coast. Not that she justifies her use by claiming medical need.
“I don’t need it to relieve cramps,” she said. “I just like the feeling.”
Some of her neighbors in the New York suburb where she now lives do, too, she said. It amuses her to discover “secret smokers,” even if the whole idea of secrecy is, to her, a holdover from an alarmist and judgmental era. She hopes her book and campaign — where she invites readers to share their stories on her website, marijuanamemoir.com — will lead to a change of opinion and laws.
“It’s hard for people to change their mind-set after so many years,” Ms. Hiller admitted. “But look at marriage equality and how that happened so fast. That was unheard-of five years ago. So maybe smoking pot will be completely normal, and no one will raise an eyebrow when they find out somebody smokes.”


Hi ho here we go
Very interesting

Very interesting

I've been smoking for more than 40 years..

:party: Hasn't phased me one bit


Well-known member
be 47 years this summer. only problems I have ever had was when some asshole found out about it...well, not counting those odd little holes that I keep finding in shirts and car seats.:biggrin:


Almost 45 years for me. By far my greatest troubles were caused by difficulties in getting pot when I wanted it, and substituting alcohol instead.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Christmas break 1972. It was about my fourth or fifth try. This time my buddies were determined. We bought a bag of Acapulco Gold for fifteen bucks (one of the benefits of living in a college town.) That did the trick.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
It has been 30 years of regular use for me. Cannabis never stopped me from living what you might call a good life. It didn't stop me from going to the university, nor did it stop me from working and teaching at the university. Later it did not stop me from running a company with seven employees, nor from having a family life. On the contrary, it has brought me so much in terms of inspiration, ideas, understanding and well-being. I'm very grateful, and I sometimes feel I would have been an awfully square and boring person had I not discovered this plant, and other psycho active, mind opening substances I prefer not to mention.
That said, cultivating the plant has caused me some grievance along the way. The fear of detection, the self-imposed secrecy, necessary lies and the complications with loved ones who do not understand or accept the risks I've been willing to take for a plant. And most of all, being treated as a criminal by society, while I have always been a contributor to society and fulfilled my engagements as a citizen.

As far as I'm concerned, criminalizing this plant was a crime in in itself. It has cost tax payers enormous amounts of money to suppress its use, the plant's medical properties has been refused to people in need, it has ruined honest people's lives and even put some in prison. It has made me loose confidence in a political class that for no valid reason has opposed and continues to oppose its legalization.

More than half way through life, I can now with a fair amount of serenity say I did the right thing hitting that first blunt a long time ago.


Active member
Just a mere 40 years for me (May 1975) ...but it was quitting cigs that I really wanted to stop but blaze up daily ...on weed!


Well, since there is a few of us oldies in here , I thought I should ask how your memory serves you these days . Mine is very 'debatable' . lol Not sure if I can blame ' old age ' only for that . Anyway, better post this while I remember lol


Hi ho here we go
Debatable..I can't remember anything, just ask my wife...

Debatable..I can't remember anything, just ask my wife...

Well, since there is a few of us oldies in here , I thought I should ask how your memory serves you these days . Mine is very 'debatable' . lol Not sure if I can blame ' old age ' only for that . Anyway, better post this while I remember lol

I've rolled just about every joint she has smoked in the last 35 years and you can ask her and she'll tell you ....

She remembers everything :party: I don't know nothing.

So I guess I would say that 40+ years of smoking weed has not affected my memory or my wife's.



Invertebrata Inebriata
Are there any retirement homes in California or Colorado that will put me right on a cannabis drip IV?


if it smells like fish
33 years toking maybe a few more....yeehaw...I was already crazy ..weed has kept me off other drugs..i can sit back light a j and pass on the line or whatever...worst case scenario I get cotton mouth and munchies...not that I haven't tried every drug I could get my hands on ...marijuana made sense without bad side affects.....we are overgrowing our time has/ is coming.....suck it dea
Great to hear seasoned smokers speak up as living proof against the countless cannabis lies that have been spewed over the years

Midnite Toker

Active member
It's been 38 years. Nothing happened the 1st 2 attempts. I figured huh, nothing. what a waste, give me a beer. The 3rd time was the charm!
Oh, other then a "highly" developed sense of humor, I'm fine as well! :tiphat:~mT