I got my soil tests back. I have 12 spots and tested 3 of them. Each spot is about 2 yards. I had spectrum test three spots #one,two and three. Number one the plant did not do well at all last year and spots two and three performed very well on average with the other 9 spots. The soil test shows that spot # one isn't much different from the others so I think I either had a sick plant I planted their or I did have some ants in that spot and another spot. I am looking into nematodes as it sounds like the ants were farming insects in the soil and may of hurt my root system? I also had logan lab do a test in spot # two so I can cross reference with last years logan test. I am having a hard time reading spectrums test as it is new two me but I am slowly working through it. It looks like i'm low in cu and n maybe b and zn. My Mg looks pretty high again. I did apply gypsum a couple times last year but it's still high. I also attached the water test from my well. My well does test positive for coliform. Was debating of running my water for the garden through a uv light? What do you guys think. I always appreciate any and all input. Sorry I haven't contributed much I'm still in the learning phase of balancing soil and minerals but I have been growing successfully for many years and will contribute more tips and things I have learned over the years more often.