We're all pretty sure that Atlantis is Peru.
Shcrews, i ran your numbers with aa8.2 Ca:
Ca 79.2%
Mg 17.5%
K 2.9%
Na 0.4%
From that perspective your soil looks pretty good. Needs micros. Can do the math for that later. Need more Ca and K but not sure if you can achieve that just by adding gyp and k sulfate. Idont know how to do that in one go. But your S is low and your pH is too high (have youchecked your water?) so elemental Sulfur seems like a good choice. Spectrum has a chart that shows how much to apply and if you work out the numbers you can see how much it will raise S which should maatch P i think. Hopefully someone else chimes in wo knows what theyre talkimg about..
Orechron suggested i only need manganese in the Coots mix ("light"). i figured i would need to do more than that... any help would be much appreciated. i need to go and re-read this thread for sure.
Acetates work bomb too
average summer day here would be 90 degrees, about 20-30% humidityScrews...what is your average temp and humidity?
While I do not obsess about vpd I do take the ability of the plant to respire into account
Elements that are not part of the sugar/exudate cycle are only/mostly mobile in the xylem...upward mobility. So Ca, Si, B and Mn depend on respiration.
So high temp/low humidity situations you need to load them on the high side in your soil or spray them.
Loading them heavy is a double edge sword for Mn though. As you load more cations in your soil pH goes up and Mn availability drops rapidly
My avg summer day is 95-100 F and 15% humidity. Ca, B and Mn are something I am spraying weekly. And for me Ca and Mn are going to be chelated with glycine because of increased mobility until the amino is cleaved off.