70s_PotHead said:IMO opinion the old school road kill we used to get back in the day does not exsist in any form seed or clone. I truly believe what we used to get was grown outdoors in the mountains of NORCAL and was accually pissed on by skunks passing by Kinda like the old pine tree red hair, it got it smell from groing in the forrest around pine trees, these smells cannot be replicated in some ones grow room or bean lab, just my opinion
Time2Unite said:i hope your just kidding....no skunks came by and pissed on plants to give them that skunk smell.
unobtainium said:an yea i agree that 70s potheads explanition is compltly 100% rediculous. skunk weed didnt get it smell from skunks pissing on it, im 100% sure skunk piss dont smell like skunk. and pineweed didnt get its smell or taste from being grown in coniferous forests, its merely genes!