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sisa the cocaine of the poor (vice)


Well-known member
it's crazy to see how meth is such a crazy drug even the heroin and coke addicts consider themselves a class above them.


ICMag Donor
Yup, what a country. The original cradle of western democracy ( and the 1st proof of what a dismal failure democracy as form of freedom is ). They obviously have more problems than just draconian drug laws but it's gotta start somewhere, why not there? The government mafia won't make as much? Why?

From wikpedia

GreeceIllegalIllegalIllegalIllegalPossession or use of even small amounts is illegal in Greece. Individuals are arrested, although rarely convicted by court. Possession of large quantities may lead to several years in prison.[45]The Government was said to be preparing a bill that would decriminalize the use of drugs in August 2011, but finally the legislation was not changed at all.[46]