Hello everyone, as the title suggest i am growing silver and super silver haze. The clones were purchased at new remedies in SF on july 18. Currently the plants are 2 days into flowering.
Clones were transplanted directly into 3 and 5 gallon pots in a 60/40 coco perilite blend. Nutrients used: Botanicare's CNS17 grow and bloom (for 25 bucks a gallon i'll give it a shot). Sweet and superthrive in veg and transitional. And im still undecided on a bloom stimulant. This is my first attempt at a completely non-organic garden. I wanna see fist hand how much of a difference it make ie: smell, taste, yield, vigor ect.
Ive been growing in cali for almost 5 now and this will be my fist grow show, enjoy, tell me what you think
Here's a shot of the 12 SUPER silver haze clones
here's some up close on a single super silver haze
And here's some shots of the silver haze (not as super)
A little more leggy llok like they might strech
Clones were transplanted directly into 3 and 5 gallon pots in a 60/40 coco perilite blend. Nutrients used: Botanicare's CNS17 grow and bloom (for 25 bucks a gallon i'll give it a shot). Sweet and superthrive in veg and transitional. And im still undecided on a bloom stimulant. This is my first attempt at a completely non-organic garden. I wanna see fist hand how much of a difference it make ie: smell, taste, yield, vigor ect.
Ive been growing in cali for almost 5 now and this will be my fist grow show, enjoy, tell me what you think
Here's a shot of the 12 SUPER silver haze clones

here's some up close on a single super silver haze

And here's some shots of the silver haze (not as super)

A little more leggy llok like they might strech