id like to see pics of your blueberry males if anyone is holdin one.
Hi,Bigmone357 said:
Mojave Dave said:Hi,
Did I underastnd you to say that you can pollenate only part of a plant (even a single branch) to force that branch to peroduce seeds, while still leaving the upper bud-producing parts of the plant fully female so they are still considered "sensi"? Can that really be done, mate? I'd love to try that!
Bigmone357 said:I got (had) male trueblueberry's the pollen's frozen now he performed well the ladies just loved em' . I love to make seeds it's so much fun!Just on the bottom trim buds no hanky panky on the main buds lol
Mojave Dave said:Hi,
Did I underastnd you to say that you can pollenate only part of a plant (even a single branch) to force that branch to peroduce seeds, while still leaving the upper bud-producing parts of the plant fully female so they are still considered "sensi"? Can that really be done, mate? I'd love to try that!