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Shotguns and Accordions: Music of the Marijuana Growing Regions of Colombi

To be clear here, the site I linked to contains a great video and a separate write-up, both worth your time if you have memories from these days (worth your time even if you weren't alive then though). An excerpt from the paper:

The country's first class of illegal drugs merchants helped shape a key element of modern Colombian nationalism by promoting vallenato music on the local stage and hastening its conquest of the national market and imaginary in the 1970s. Marijuana intermediaries-popularly known as marimberos-sprang into action from the most marginalized rural and urban sectors of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and La Guajira region. Soon they constituted a new entrepreneurial class whose profile as successful merchants was articulated as a regional masculine identity found in popular expressions such as vallenato music. That process helped marimberos to open space for themselves in regional society and to turn vallenato into a supreme expression of Colombian popular culture.
Even back then in Columbia, cannabis empowered the wretches. Cool to see they had the heart and balls to make an enduring culture out of it.

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