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Shiva Grows


Well-known member
maybe match the cycle and just keep in reasonable pots . the 10 14 may induce stress . you want to aim to match the environment they came from as best possible imo


Well-known member
Day length varies somewhat between the northern and southern extremes of Thailand, but loosely averages out to around 06:00 to 18:00. Differences are more marked in the north, where the daylight varies from about 05:45 - 19:00 in June to 06:50 - 17:50 in December.


Well-known member
The lady running this farm is really sweet.I hope Thailand doesn't recriminalize weed like Ive heard about. Shes got a good thing going and the prices are quite reasonable



Well-known member
you could start at 12.30 , shift to 12, then shift to 11.30 to keep it simple . without a smart digital meter . or shift through the hour swing on 15 minute reductions


Well-known member
once you get preflowers shift to 12 and as they flower shift down bit by bit . restrict the roots some by pot size and they should be controllable with some bending


Well-known member
make a sandy loam mix add some epsom salts . a light mix with added sharp sand would be fine

Low-humic gley soils, mostly loamy and sandy, are found commonly in the Ping, Wang, and Yom valleys. Common to all valleys are old alluvium, red- yellow podzolic soils. Undifferentiated soils of lava and volcanic rock are found in the Wang and Yom valleys.