Post your fuck-ups, your facepalms, and lessons learned this season for all of us to benefit from.
To name a few of mine off the top of my head:
Be wary of putting plants touching native plants; I noticed that my plants hit heaviest by blight were the ones touching/within a foot of the surrounding native plants that had it. My other ones didn't get it at all.
Don't wait for a problem and then react. Spray for everything preemptively and rotate fungicides.
Check your ass crack for ticks.
Stay on top of pruning to keep sufficient airflow.
If you're going to bury bottles to water below the surface of the soil, bury multiple and bury them before you put the seeds/plants in so that the dirt has time to harden and secure them in place.
Everything takes longer than you think it will.
To name a few of mine off the top of my head:
Be wary of putting plants touching native plants; I noticed that my plants hit heaviest by blight were the ones touching/within a foot of the surrounding native plants that had it. My other ones didn't get it at all.
Don't wait for a problem and then react. Spray for everything preemptively and rotate fungicides.
Check your ass crack for ticks.
Stay on top of pruning to keep sufficient airflow.
If you're going to bury bottles to water below the surface of the soil, bury multiple and bury them before you put the seeds/plants in so that the dirt has time to harden and secure them in place.
Everything takes longer than you think it will.