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Shanti`s EcoGrow 600w



Hello everybody :)

First of all im new here, all the way from DK (that should explane the spelling issues hehe). been a guest here for some tilme and been using alot of the info stored in here so thank u guys for all the input u provided without even knowing it.

Anyways, this is my first hydro system, lets take a look at it shall we :)

First the Ecogrover ->

Then the kit ->
600W Agrolite Gro & Flo (iknow gotta get a new one...)
600W Digital Balast (I modded this w/ a 21Db silent Fan)
Ajust a Wing w/ Spredder
Digital Timers
Smoke detecter
Fire extinguisher
Sound reducing foam
Honeyweel Fan
EC Meter
PH Meter
Carbon Filter w/ 425m3 Fan
1 x 110L pump with airstones (For better temp and to ensure enough Oxygen for the roots)
GHE TOTAL w/ Ripen
PH- Down
And alot of other little things.
See ->

Now how did i fit all this into a limited space...?

I took my old closet and rebuild it :) -> (Sry 4 the quality of the first ones here)

Into This ->


Carbon Filter, Honeywell & Ajust a Wing w/ 600w & Spredder:


Modded Balast ->
I modded the Digi Balast with a 21db silent fan (...maybe im the first one to mod his Hydro gear :muahaha: )

So... i started with 3 x Skunk # 1 i was expecting to get 3 x Bubblegum too but they never came.. :badday:

The first days ->

After a week ->

Now ill jump a bit a head in time.

1 week into flowering they vent nuts!! ->

And these are the pictures taken yesterday :joint:

Now as i said im still a beginner, maybe its beginners luck or something i dont know, but they are REALLY healthy.

I did have a few problems, such as lack of Mg (dont know if this translates right?) and in the beginning i had heating issues but this was solved with a larger vent.

Anyways this is all 4 now ill keep updating this every week.
Again thank u for making me feel welcome. Have fun boys & girls.

Shanti Shiva
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Smoking Gun

Active member
Those are some nice looking plants. Did you top or FIM them at all? And its probably better you only have the 3 plants in there if you have that kind of growth. When are you going to switch over to 12/12?


Hello again & thx

Smoking Gun :
I am currently running 12/12 and been doing so for about 2 weeks, did not top or cut them in any way :)

Forgot to mention that its feminised Skunk # 1 seeds from White label.

Pics from today ->

Have fun :p
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AndreNicky said:
Plants are lookin great, can't wait to see some buds start formin! How many plants are u runnin in the bucket?


I currently have 3 plants in there,...the bucket can hold 6 plants :)
and im just waiting for those buds to start showing too hehe :p

Have fun

Stay Shanti :joint:


Registered Medical Patient
WOW, very nice bushes bro...great job for the 1st time with hydro!!!GL bro, i got this one tagged...Peace

- Z


First time and you're spotting and solving mg deficiencies before they become a problem? We have a talent here :cool:


Hello again.

Thank you all for the very kind words, it means alot comming from you guys in here. :bow:

So, since ill be updating this thread every monday i might as well start today with a little update.

I ALLWAYS change the water and clean the growroom on mandays.
So here are some pics of a nice clean growroom and some very happy girls :jump:

01.09.08 ->

A little Macro ->

Have Fun Boys & Girls, Stay Shanti :joint:
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Smoking Gun

Active member
Again, those are some really nice looking plants. The only suggestion I may have for the next run is to clean up the lower portions of your plants. You have plenty of tops up higher on the plant, and plenty of branches that will receive ample amounts of light. Trim off some of the smaller lower growth that will not receive as much light and allow the plants to put all the nutrients and energy into the upper branches. But other than that, I am very impressed for a first run, and you do seem to know what you are doing. Nice Job.


Active member
Looks good my friend. Happy to see the Mg helped :) But as mensioned. Cut of some of the buttom branches. not fanleaves, but actely branches with buds, and in that way consentrate on spoiling the buds, that actely get enough sun :)

Cant wait to see it IRL :)

Matsi aka SIOUX


Smoking Gun said:
Again, those are some really nice looking plants. The only suggestion I may have for the next run is to clean up the lower portions of your plants. You have plenty of tops up higher on the plant, and plenty of branches that will receive ample amounts of light. Trim off some of the smaller lower growth that will not receive as much light and allow the plants to put all the nutrients and energy into the upper branches. But other than that, I am very impressed for a first run, and you do seem to know what you are doing. Nice Job.
Matsi said:
Looks good my friend. Happy to see the Mg helped :) But as mensioned. Cut of some of the buttom branches. not fanleaves, but actely branches with buds, and in that way consentrate on spoiling the buds, that actely get enough sun :)

Cant wait to see it IRL :)

Hello again

I will deffently do this on the next run, seems very logical to do when thinking of it.
But do u agree with me that i might as well start doing this on the NEXT run NOT on the current 3 girls?? i mean since the buds started popping i might as well wait right?.

Forgot a BIG thx to Matsi for providing the Mg for me....Thank you :jump:

Have fun, Stay Shanti :joint:


esbe said:
very nice! looks like you need a bigger closet again, hehe

Hehe funny u should say, im moving to a new house next month,,,getting a bigger closet there :muahaha:

Have fun, Stay Shanti :joint:

Smoking Gun

Active member
Shanti, definitely do it on the next run. You are too far into flowering to do any trimming. Once in flower I would not suggest doing any trimming or work on the plant. This will delay flowering times and stress the plant. So on the next run, 1 week before you put your plants into flower trim them up.


Active member
Smoking Gun said:
Shanti, definitely do it on the next run. You are too far into flowering to do any trimming. Once in flower I would not suggest doing any trimming or work on the plant. This will delay flowering times and stress the plant. So on the next run, 1 week before you put your plants into flower trim them up.

I do not agree on this point. if he leaves the buttom shoots, they will maybe be 10 hairs on the buds. Its exactly now it WILL be a good idea to cut lower buds. I have done this it all my grows, with big succes.

trust me my friend. if you dont cut them now, you will see a lot of small small buds, that is nothing but air when its dryed, in the buttom. you want to remove them, so the plant will concentrate on making the other buds big and juicey :violin:
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Hello Friends.

been 9 days here without internet, changed ISP,....fu*kers!!,.. anyways..

Lets see what`s been happening in the closet...

My 3 ladies have been VERY busy, alot of buds now :jump: :rasta:
No major problems, only a little burn scar on one of the tops but if thats all the problems im gonna have, i still feel lucky :joint:
I have been cutting them just a little bit lately, but still have the lower branches,....i figured,.. what the hell...


So since im moving this is gonna be my first and last grow in this closet, but im getting a bit bigger place for them so lets see :joint:

Have fun guys & girls, stay shanti :canabis:
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Oy oy :joint:

So its time for yet another update, having a little problem since i cant raise my lights any higher im pulling the plants a bit down (not shown on pics)

One bud is now grown past the lights,....Thank god im getting a new and bigger growroom in 2 weeks so i dont have this problem next time :jump:

Anyways, here are the ladies ->

So as i said im moving to a new house the next few weeks so i dont know when the next update is.

Have Fun Peeps, Stay Shanti.