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Shafer Commission Report Recommends Complete Decriminalization 40 Years Ago Today


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Today in History!

40 years ago today the so-called Shafer Commission called on Congress and then-President Nixon to decriminalize cannabis. In spite of their esteemed research and finding of the fact that cannabis is harmless the law has yet to be changed - 40 years later.

Washington, DC: Forty years ago tomorrow, on March 22, 1972, the first and to date only Congressional Commission ever to assess marijuana policy called on Congress to amend federal law so that the possession and use of small quantities of cannabis by adults would no longer be a criminal offense.

The Commission, known as the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse (aka the Shafer Commission), chaired by former Pennsylvania Governor Raymond P. Shafer, determined that minor marijuana possession offenses -- including those involving the not-for-profit transfer of cannabis by adults -- should be 'decriminalized' under federal law. The Commission recommended that states should similarly eliminate criminal penalties for minor pot offenses.
Read the whole story here.

Read the entire Shafer Commission Report here.
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Big 4

Big 4

The big 4 guns against reality have been at it for over 40 years now. They spoke, Nixon listened way back then. ASSHOLES.

Prision systems

So many years of these guys giant money to overcome.

Hope we keep chipping away, one frosty bud after another.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
It's like living in a nightmare realizing they still have control.

And don't forget Oil companies.


Forgot about oil

Forgot about oil

Easy to forget about it making Big oil nervous also. Just do not have the experince with hemp vs oil.

Come on Barack O'Blamer, how about some hemp to green power things.

To cheap, to easy to access, seems green ?


Natalie J. Puffington
It's hard to believe it's taken this long to make so little progress. *sigh*
At least a few states have given a few of us some protection...But, having been through it myself, I really feel for those the 'outlaw med users', in non-med states.
*preaching to the choir:* what medicines and treatments one has access to, should have nothing to do with what state you live in, let alone how much money you make, what kind of insurance you have (if any), or what some insurance company suit, with no medical training, deems appropriate. These are decisions that should be left to the patient and their doctor alone!

Off to burp jars of miraculous medicine... :canabis:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Thank you Payaso for reminding us what we're up against. At times I feel like we're making progress-until I see how long we've been working at it. Wow...feeling old and snail-like today..we'll get there..DD


Well-known member
at least we have the internet now to spread this knowledge...
once we reach the point where all this kind of info is with most people, there will be nowhere left for the ignorant to hide.


at least we have the internet now to spread this knowledge...
once we reach the point where all this kind of info is with most people, there will be nowhere left for the ignorant to hide.

Once that happens, they'll simply ban this site using ACTA or some other bs law that takes away all our rights on the internet for some promised protection that only the chumps want. I can't remember who I'm quoting or that I'm quoting them right but "Those who would trade liberty for a degree of safety, deserve neither." Don't blindly believe in the false sense of freedom, we are slowly but surely losing our rights in this once great country. Our forefathers would be turning over in there graves to see the type of tyranny against our rights as americans we're willing to put up with. Passing laws that will take away rights that will take forever if possible to ever get back.
think about it gun's are far more dangerous but they are legal.one can only speculate that maybe there's a reason. the mexican cartels use US weapons sold to them by our undercover operations to sell weapons to them illegally so we can track them then they use them to murder more people ,when will the senseless killing end. I PRAY TO JEHOVA AND MY LORD JESUS THAT HE BLESS THEM AND HAS MERCY ON THEM
FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WILL LEAD YOU TO THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!! A wise person said to see the future one only has to look to the past,thus stating time has cycles and history always repeats itself.


Active member
Way back to Britain's India Hemp Commission in 1893, no government-appointed independent advisory group has ever supported pot prohibition, as far as I know.

It's always been the ignorant self-righteous demagogues who have ignored the facts, created an irrational panic and then pandered to it.


Well-known member
if they make it legal they are scared because the so-called underdeveloped nations would be in a great position to grow the new world leading crop.... and the so-called developed nations dont want that... a crop that grows excellently in most places and can supply fuel, medicine food etc etc etc.
think about it, the air is full of carbon, fuel shortage, ...... the plant could literally save the planet.
and dont think they dont know this.
the deals with the Oil Producing Economic Countries would be worth so much less.
they would have to try and deal with the Cannabis Producing Economic Countries.
not as easy to do now that slavery is illegal, and there are no world wars on to justify carving up countries and keeping the profitable bits.

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