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Senior Harvest Hassle

We called an old fart over the weekend to check up.

A senior citizen, and compassionate provider, he had planned to spend last Sunday morning selectively plucking ripened buds from the plants in his garden, and hauling them to a comfortable spot for trimming.

The rooftop where his buckets were located is up three steep, narrow, flights of stairs. He'd already climbed out the window with several empty 5 gallon buckets, all ready to start, when he realized that his clippers were still down on the lower floor.

His old, scarred, knees were already aching, so he decided to make do with what he had and do the job by hand. He broke off the tops as best he could, and if manual manipulation wasn't quite enough, he used his teeth to break off the woody, stringy, remnants.

Several hours later, after he had managed to drag the buckets back downstairs, he had a snack and felt something strange. He looked in a mirror and realized that a cap had come off one of his front teeth!

He then had to pour out, and search through, 15 gallons of sticky buds to try to find the missing tooth!

It took a while, but he did find it ... but since it was Sunday, the dentist would have to wait.


Active member

Can you catch colds or something from somebody chewing on the bud you vape? Especially an old fart too. More germs likely. Just...yech. Maybe I'm just OCD, but this is just GROSS to me.

That doesn't seem too compassionate really to me. At least he's trying to help people though.

I always wondered how that tooth got in the ash in my cashed pipe. "Inquiring minds just want to know." Now I do. Cough, cough, gag.

Did he ever find it? Somebody will. I know crowns can cost more than $500 too.

ANOTHER good reason to grow and smoke your own.