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Senate confirms Leonhart to head DEA



Words cannot express the stupidity:
LA Times:
The Senate unanimously confirmed Acting Administrator Michele M. Leonhart as the agency’s top agent Wednesday. Leonhart has been the DEA’s acting chief since November 2007.
She has proven her leadership to be anti-science, pro-lying, pro-death and destruction, and devoid of competence, so the Senate decided she was perfect for this job.
President Barack Obama nominated Leonhart to lead the DEA in February.

Leonhart said in a statement: “I am dedicated to meeting the challenges that DEA faces, from disrupting and dismantling extremely violent Mexican based drug cartels; to defeating narco-terrorists operating in Afghanistan and around the world; and doing all we can to reduce prescription drug abuse, our nation’s fastest growing drug threat.”


Obama continues the War on People

Obama continues the War on People

Words cannot express the stupidity:

Obama continues the War on People, and the DEA continues their raids in MMJ States, despite assurances from President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske to the contrary.

The fascistic Obama regime continues to pour honey in the ears of the people, all while their jack-boots firmly rest upon our necks -- in other words, it's crony corporatist business as usual -- keeps repeating lies (especially just before elections), while doing the exact opposite. Thank goodness that we have Representatives & Senators in Congress that look out for We the People in the face of the "Unitary Executive" fascistic police state -- oops, oh wait ...


Same old same old.

We allow it.
We allow it because being rabidly anti-drug is not yet a political liability. There really aren't many good choices right now, regardless of party affiliation, because being "tough on drugs" has long been seen as a universally "smart" political attitude and there simply are no repercussions, no clear cause and effect consequences.

Things will not change so long as that continues to be true.
Yep, All you folks who listened to his "hope & change" BS got duped. People vote for change, but everything stays the same. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: The Dems & the Reps are nothing more than a band of thieves! They are in it together!


Is there a place that lists the questioning etc of her confirmation?


Yep, All you folks who listened to his "hope & change" BS got duped. People vote for change, but everything stays the same. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: The Dems & the Reps are nothing more than a band of thieves! They are in it together!

Still stilll STILL believe we picked the lesser of two evils. As a figure head sponsored by big cable companies, McCain would have lobbied to put an end to net neutrality, he stated his position during his run. The end of net neutrality would have us paying for varying tiers of internet. If you like google, facebook, ebay and other big name websites then they would charge you an extra "premium access" fee just to reach those. The net would become far more monitored. It would be the end of 100% free access to view any site you choose.

Does everyone unanimously think that McCain would be the right decision to fend for ourselves and our brethren for MMJ? Was he somehow the sleeping hero of the MJ revolution that we were all too blind to see? NOPE, he wasn't. NO, Obama wasn't either.

Politics tires me, its all the same go around - I root for no specific party anymore. Repubs are good with business, Dems are good with social issues, and either party allowed all the power finds some awful ways to make use of it.


Active member
i really had high hopes for obama but it keeps looking like "illusion of choice" when it comes to politics.


Dankside, man, so what you're saying is that we should be happy that we got the LESSER of two evils, how about no evils period. "Repubs are good with business, Dems are good with social issues, and either party allowed all the power finds some awful ways to make use of it."
Now this statement frustrates me, Because DEMS are just that, fascists in the clothing of socialists, good or bad intentions, and Republicans are Facists, combining government and Corporations.

But what does excites me about America in general, is that you said I don't "root" for a specific party, and that's key, not to be a Republican or Democrat, but a FREE and INDEPENDENT AMERICAN. Now to become free takes time, but to become independent is on us and is the backbone to freedom, without independence, there is no freedom. If we become independent, freedom will have to follow, a perfect example is this cannabis culture we have, especially the staes who exercise their states rights. Growing our own food too would be independence, but if we can learn to once again NOT to DEPEND on the government like our forefathers wanted, and at the same time eliminate all the excess bureaucracy in our government that is unconstitutional, of coarse this has to be a gradual process, people can't just be cut off from things like S.S., food-stamps, ect., but if they weren't taxed so much since there wasn't much government to run then I would think that the people get to actually keep their paycheck instead of it being taken by the government like we're a bunch of slaves would benefit everyone to to be dependent, and ultimately free.


Active member
My opinion is that there is no such thing as no evil. Based on perspective at different times we can all be the monster or that someone kind. Check out the movie "zeitgeist".


Mitochondrion, nice name by the way (bio major, aren't we all), now I agree with you about being a beast, and we can let it roam when someone infringes on your rights, and the U.S. Constitution is the BLUEPRINT for your rights. The Constitution can make "politics" actually mean something without anything else influencing our "politics" other than personal freedom, and states rights using it as it's basis, and can decide abortion, ect.

On another note Mitochondrion, WE ARE BOSS, and THEY WILL DO WHAT WE DEMAND OR BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE, HAVE INDICTMENTS BY GRAND JURIES, SUE OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS, WE"LL RUN FOR OFFICE, ect. Quoting Wu-Tang, "Get with a sick ass click and go all out!!!" Become collective, get out of your box, and talk to others, push family, this year we need to become viral, there isn't much time. Get money, get equipment, get active, and then get more active.

Oh, and I watched Zeitgeits, and agree about Egyptian connection to Jesus, but definetly a INFERIOR documentary compared to others.
One such SUPERIOR film is Money Masters, or the newer film, The Secret of OZ.

Please research Ron Paul, Michael Badnarik, Alex Jones.


Bong Smoking News Hound
Words cannot express the stupidity:

first line said says it all. MEXICAN CARTELS, means MARIJUANA.....

as if, crack, cocaine, heroin, pharmaceutical pills which kids can get no problem from school, local park, or even there doctor!!!!

Yet the evil week that makes you laugh and hungry.... must be gone from those dirty Mexicans right? pfffff I have lost my faith in our system. And our voting system... i never thought id say that. age does make you wiser.


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