Anyone ever tried using a semi trailer as a greenhouse? Some have translucent roofs that I would suppose can be changed out with something that let's even more light in. So let's hear any ideas or experience with this idea.
running inside a semi-trailer right now.....The clear roof created some huge temps,110+
was running more fans than lights!!!put the trailer in a barn,and we're up and running hard.
'll try to get somepics up soon of the construction inside the trailer
set mine up with a flower room 8x8 with 4ooo watts,mother room 10x8x8,and clone room 10x8x8----love it now------------Had a massive a/c unit when the trailer was outside,but it could not keep up...also,we buried a shipping container in the ground for temp reasons,but humidity and mold was a winter time issue...hope this helped
I am experienced in growing in extreme desert that being said, if I was to do it, I would get an old refrigerated trailer, since the sides will be insulated-- In a regular trailer, it is thin steel/aluminum sides..that would transfer a lot of heat--
Any greenhouse needs ample air exchange, if not cooling--
So IMO, yes, it could be done, but would need some foresight to heat, and ample cooling/ventilation--