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I don't yet concider myself as old stoner but I do have a question for you...

I smoke and grow cannabis for about 4 years.... but now, I've lost smoking control... I smoke few grams a day and still hold back. Now, that my harvest went up in smoke, I even cleaned my grinder to get a joint - TWICE! :)

How do you keep your control and how was your smoking tempo during your smoking years?

Take care :)


I dunno i'm getting way bad as well (i'm smoking more cronic stuff as well) i think i'm smoking a qp a month it's just i got in this habit of smoking 2 or 3 2gram blunts a day.



Active member
igot a buddy that smokes about a dozen joints,that are about 1-1.25 grams a day.he's prety much smoking mexi brick now in about 8 wks that will change as i'll have my first harvest in.


Active member
Don't smoke the same gear for a few days/weeks in a row, you'll get used to it, so much that you don't realize how stoned you are.
Also, do not put too much in a joint, rather smoke two smaller ones with a bit time in between.
Other than that? Its hard to moderate when you're growing, especially at harvest time...
Having a break from smoking for 3-4 weeks does wonders for your "stoneability".

Its harder to try to control a habit than to lay it off completely.. ...for a few days :D




When I'm buying it I can make an ounce last a month. When harvest time hits my smoking seems to increase to two oz's a month. :confused: stay high all day long :woohoo: But, when I'm buying it I limit myself to an after dinner joint and maybe a wake and bake or two.



Variety is the spice of life!!! If anything I probably smoke a lil less than I use to (maybe two three ozs a month now) but I get much more stondicated :kos: . I have maybe a dozen or so strains going, the only problem is sometimes when I'm really baked I smoke more just for the taste or whatever.


all praises are due to the Most High
start to reduce frequency of consumption. for example, if you are used to waking and baking, stop that and instead do some kind of nice physical or mental activity. get your thoughts in order, breathe, just be patient and wait until late in the afternoon to light up. the idea is to change the habit of living everyday stoned; which actually takes almost all of the beauty out of the experience. when you are able to just smoke once a day, in the evening or late afternoon, and then be able to go a day without any smoke, then 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc... you must come to master the herb, to know her deeply. this is not easy and most stoners never are able to accomplish it.
good luck.

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
If I got it I'll smoke it. I don't need it but it's good to have. I haven't smoked any kind for awhile. I ran out of my last harvest about 2 months ago. I'm in a situation where I can't grow right now (at least flower out my plants). I want to smoke some everyday but it doesn't really bother me too much. It's not crack so I don't fiend. Sometimes I sit outside and read a book and think this would be a good time for nice bowl of some kind. Sooner or later I'll be back in action but for now I just got to live with it. I'm not an old stoner either but I thought I'd post my comment anyways.
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Active member
Stay busy. Then reward yourself with a buzz after you accomplish a certain amount of what you need to do.
Then go again, but for me, staying busy is the key.


My little pony.. my little pony
Or switch smoking devices, nothing saves weed like a one hitter.



stone fool
Once you build a properly deep stash, you can rotate, use 5 or 6 different strains every day, mix them up and they stay more fresh on the palette of your mind. Add some cannacookies twice a week. Then you can maintain on a couple grams a day, no worries.

High n Dry

I've never had that problem and been smokin over 40 years. I can make a gram last 3-4 day's most of the time, I only smoke in the evening.

Buy a vape.


the less I smoke ..the more I appreciate it....and the harder it hits!

the more I smoke..the higher my tolerance becomes ...and the more I smoke...

and then the only time I really get high is that first one in the morning...

lately I've been smoking less than I have ever smoked for 30 years...the longer the spacing between jays = the higher you get = the more you'll enjoy it

but like most smokers and growers I smoke lots when it's plentiful and not so often when it's not


and yeah, it's true..variety is where it's at...I'd rather have 20 grams of 4 or 5 strains in my stash box than 30 grams of the same strain.....


Active member
Hello all,

I must say thay within the first 20 minutes of waking I am stoned and stay that way pretty much all day.

I am a med patient- I smoke to get high- but I also smoke to reliev muscle spasms due to a SCI.

I used to get by on a 1/8 a week- now I smoke a 1/4 a week.



Old School Cottonmouth
verite got it right. joints and blunts are the biggest way to waste weed. fun to puff on sure, but then half of the smoke is in the air


New member
my smoking increased massively this year, a quarter of nice mids used to last me 2 weeks, now i aim for 7 days. an 8th of expensive sticky deliciousness would last me 2 weeks, now it's somewhere between 5 and 7 days

but i'm always surprised how high i get off small amounts. like if i'm smoking a bowl, and i take a hit or two, and i get distracted, i'm usually stoned enough to forget about the bowl when i'm not being distracted anymore

it's hard though when you've got the pot and you're not really doing anything, i always want to completely fill & smoke whatever i'm packing a couple of times throughout the event. but like i said if i just take like 2 hits i'm pretty high for a while, and the same bowl can get me high multiple times, or dramatically draw out the length of the high, which isn't much less impressive