I'd like to get a couple security cams for the front yard and back yard. I want something with local storage (SD cards rather than paying for monitoring). I was wondering if a wired camera could be placed in the house and positioned to look out over the area I want to monitor? I'd prefer a system that employed batteries rather than having to deal with running wires and having a base. I wouldn't mind mounting outdoors, just mount and aim the cams,but ya gotta admit,if you could place them facing through a window that's make life a bunch easier. Something that emitted one of those space lasers that everyone talks about to fry the a** of that F'ing cat that craps in my flower bed? Maybe that'll be an option for upcoming cam releases. I should suggest that to all the cam manufacturers. 
So,who knows camera systems? I want something reliable but not overly expensive.
So,who knows camera systems? I want something reliable but not overly expensive.