I'm starting to like the word "hate". If we could all prove that "hate" is a bad thing and leads to evil, then anyone who "hates" must be evil and wrong.
Now I can do or say anything I want, because if you "hate" me for it, you must also be a bigot, and all bigots are racists and rednecks in tinfoil hats and nazis, and nazis killed 6 million people so they should be imprisoned and put to death.
Therefore, if you disagree with me, you are automatically the bane of all humanity, and a Nazi, and should die like a racist bigot.
I'm starting to like this logic.
Now I can do or say anything I want, because if you "hate" me for it, you must also be a bigot, and all bigots are racists and rednecks in tinfoil hats and nazis, and nazis killed 6 million people so they should be imprisoned and put to death.
Therefore, if you disagree with me, you are automatically the bane of all humanity, and a Nazi, and should die like a racist bigot.
I'm starting to like this logic.