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Searching to max yield with lights


I've seem a bit on this. But has anyone changed from 1000watt bulbs to 600 watt bulbs to get more bang for the buck.
My set up is 4 1000 watters over 2 tables but if I change to 600 watters I can add another table for less wattage. So before I make this kind of investment I like to know if anyone has done it and what were the results????



Active member
it really depends on strain and your growing method. I think the best way to figure this out is to figure out your current gram/watt yeild and mutiply that by the new lighting

so for shit's as giggles let's assume 1g/watt
that would give a current yeild of 4000g per harvest(assuming you harvest all at once)

5x600w =3000w=3000g per harvest

under this hypothetical condition you would yeild 1000g less but use 1000w less lighting, if you're measuring this in terms of efficenty then you need to figure out your total draw and ultimately your overall efficenty, basically how much is is costing you to produce what you do.

adding another table will increase your equipment costs but your revoloving costs will drop(electricity, nutes ect..), so assuming 1000w less lighting and a slightly lower nute cost you can assume ~30-35$ a month less than current, and see how long it would take to break even on the equipment.

It's all a personal choice, if 4x1000w works for you with no issues I would see no reason to change. I would focus instead on doing everything I could to maxamize efficenty.


Tks Chaotic
But if I add another table with 2 more lights to have 6 x 600 watts= 3600 watts
and therefore adding addition plants ( I currently run 21 plants per table ) therefore a total of 63 plants would my overal yield increase or stay the same or even decrease due to the decrease in overal wattage???


i went from 2 1ks over a table to 3 600s. HUGE difference, you can SEE more shared light with the naked eye. 1 put 40 plants under 3 6's and get 1.8lbs organic.

perhaps instead of adding lights, add a light mover.


the keeper of the creeper
IVe seen nice grows done with 5-600HPS. 18-20 plants in soil. The light coverage is there for sure.Running them 240 helps as well.


CFL's...i just added two 150 watt cfl's..too my 400hps...for a total of 700 watts! i think they were around 1800 extra lumens a piece if memory serve's me right! LOL! :joint: