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Sea Green

SeaGreen...any reviews? My plants look happy...but that isn't abnormal. I don't notice any extreme advantages, but would like to use some kind of beneficial bacteria.

Does anyone notice positives, or can someone recommend a similar product that they like?

Thanks for any advice.

can't find a link..i dont have the bottle in front of me...maybe i got the name wrong? sorry.
I was just given some of this stuff from my friend up in homblodt. It was a X-mas gift. Said it works hella good. He could not stop talking about it LOL.


The stuff is awesome! it allows much more nutrient absorption and allows heavier feeding with no ill effects to the plants..


Active member
ive been using this....not sure what its effects are yet. i did have a crop last run that got heavily stressed with temp swings...the plants looked like shit but still managed to pull through and yield some pretty fire frosty nugs..

the breeder alien swears by this stuff too...il keep using it for now..i use it at 1ml per gallon usually..
This stuff ROCKS! WOW!! We tried it and I have to admit that it worked better than the ACT tea we make that takes days to brew.

If you like ACT teas and the benefits you gain from using them, then you will LOVE Sea Green!! It is like ACT on steroids or something!! The best part is that it needs no brew time, just mix and go!

This stuff is a one of kind product for sure!

They also make a awesome powder like Great White but much better called Root Blooms

They make some really great products. The Rootamentary is a complete nutrient.

So far ANYONE who ever tried it (Sea Green) has not stopped using it!!


Color me gone
Add me to the list of this positive reviews, I just got a bottle of this stuff the other week because it was highly recommended, I gave it a shot and over night I noticed a difference, I've only used it on my Veg plants but they've responded especially well in the coco, at 1 ml per gal it extremely reasonable at $60 for a 475 ml bottle, at least where I got it, also I notice that it makes the water extremely froathy any one else notice this? I am interested in trying their other products....
The only downside to Sea Green or should I say the only negative thing I could say about the product is the foam. Because it is so EXTREMELY concentrated, the foam is also more of an issue. The best solution we found so far is to add dosages a little at a time instead of a full dose at once. Over the period of a day you can add 1/4 of the full dose at a time. This will help keep the foam to minimum at least.

You do have to be careful as the foam can be so much that it will come out of the plant modules and res tanks easily and onto the floor. This stuff is so concentrated that we had to dilute it to even get the microscope light to penetrate the liquid so we could examine it for analysis.

When I was first testing this stuff I had mentioned the foam to the tech and he told me a story about a customer. It goes like this, customer buys some sea green and goes home to use it, adds the dosage suggested and leaves for a few hours.

Upon his return he found foam everywhere! It made a huge mess as it got all over everything and took hours to clean it up. He calls the folks at Sea Green and tells them how crappy there product is and what a mess it made and that he would NEVER use this shit again!!

The following day, the tech gets a call from the same pissed off customer from the day before. This time the customer is thanking him for making such a wonderful product and how sorry he was for the things he said. He told the guy that NEVER before in all his green house years had he seen a product that worked as well as Sea Green. The following day he notice exponential growth like he had NEVER seen before. This is coming from a seasoned vet, a very experienced professional grower.

He said he would just have to find a way to deal with the foam because the pay off was so tremendous!

That is about the best testimony for a product that anyone could ever hear IMHO! Imagine how well a product must work for a grower to make such a comment??

Anyhow, air stones will make the foam even worse but the foam only last for a day and after that it goes away on its own.


yep i read it again-
and no i didn't assume you'd cover that-
sometimes people forget,
sometimes people haven't cleaned their res's yet,
sometimes people use a bunch of organics in their res and usually have a mess to clean up, etc.
next time i read one of your posts if i have any questions i will re-think posting now knowing you are the master,
and did i mention thorough?
yes the master is a good man,
and very thorough:tiphat::tiphat:


Well-known member
used it in my farms.. foamed for a day.. no biggie
no residue or slime
not sure if it did anything.. gonna try some more and see


whats in it- kelp? beneficial bacteria? think i'll give the company a call tomorrow. always love to talk to product reps to get the full story and i found that if yer nice, they'll send some samples
It is most defiantly NOT the same thing as seaweed extract from the link to that alibaba website posted by omni.

Seagreen carries a VERY concentrated form of biology species not found else where as well as a slew of other good things like amino acids and enzymes that help to process minerals for plant uptake. It is meant to work "with" your nutrients and make them available. A simple seaweed extract is just ONE of the many things found in Sea Green. It really is a one of kind product. I have yet to see or hear about even one person who has tried it and was not blown away by the results of using it.

Also just a FYI, purchased a tri-meter from these scam artist and I lost over a hundred bucks! They sent me some garbage that did not work out of the box and I NEVER could get a refund or anything! DO NOT PURCHASE FROM THIS PLACE (Alibaba)!! THEY SUCK!!


Well-known member
creates black biofilm ( slime ) in hydro.. didnt kill em tho
not really sure what this stuff does for my girls after using it a while
.. pass next time

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