Meet SCiO. It is the world's first affordable molecular sensor that fits in the palm of your hand. SCiO is a tiny spectrometer and allows you to get instant relevant information about the chemical make-up of just about anything around you, sent directly to your smartphone.
Out of the box, when you get your SCiO, you’ll be able to analyze food, plants, and medications.
For example, you can:
Get nutritional facts about different kinds of food: salad dressings, sauces, fruits, cheeses, and much more.
See how ripe an Avocado is, through the peel!
Find out the quality of your cooking oil.
Know the well being of your plants.
Analyze soil or hydroponic solutions.
Authenticate medications or supplements.
Upload and tag the spectrum of any material on Earth to our database. Even yourself !
OK!!! think of everything just this one item can replace in your grow room, tell you about your plants, soil, hydro, is it dry enough to cure, what cannabinoids and at what percent... fuck ya!
Out of the box, when you get your SCiO, you’ll be able to analyze food, plants, and medications.
For example, you can:
Get nutritional facts about different kinds of food: salad dressings, sauces, fruits, cheeses, and much more.
See how ripe an Avocado is, through the peel!
Find out the quality of your cooking oil.
Know the well being of your plants.
Analyze soil or hydroponic solutions.
Authenticate medications or supplements.
Upload and tag the spectrum of any material on Earth to our database. Even yourself !
OK!!! think of everything just this one item can replace in your grow room, tell you about your plants, soil, hydro, is it dry enough to cure, what cannabinoids and at what percent... fuck ya!