This is the SSH ROM from my grow. I am over a couple of weeks into this grow, and it has definitely had its ups and downs. I wish that I had done atleast half a dozen things differently when designing and building my cab, but I really cant bitch too much.
At the very beginning of my grow, right after setup, I had alot of issues with the ph and keeping it stable. That cause a nute lockout and greatly affected the Kali Mist.
I made a post in the infirmary, which I should have done sooner(i was embarrassed, which i should be), and got a lot of usefull feed back. Hygrozyme was suggested to clear up my slimy root problem. I researched and ordered it. That is one relatively expensive product, which the company will not say what active ingredients are in it, so I could not diy it. But if it is better for the girls, I will take it. My ppm was waaaay too high for the age of my plants, and I took care of that too. Kali Mist is looking better, but I am not in the clear yet. I assume that it is just going to take time. The confusing thing about the problems which I have had, is that only the Kali Mist was affected. Still not sure why.
I also wish that I had worked more with techniques like topping and utilizing my scrog screen, but I got preoccupied with my nute issues.
I am also starting the planning for my next cab. I picked up a 400 watt hps, and am looking at getting a stronger air pump. I am also going to switch my nutes from Botanicare CNS 17 to General Hydroponics. I have seen good results with the GH. The CNS 17 comes out of the bottle like a sludge, and I had a problem with the nutes just pooling at the bottom of the rez. I had to add a submersible pump aimed at the bottom of the rez to keep things stirred up. I like that the GH products are a liquid, and I can only imagine that it will be absorbed into the water quicker. I also started off with a 12/12 light cycle. Next grow I am going to start off with the 18/6 and move to a 12/12 when the time is right. I did successfully get three clones off of my SSH ROM. One went to a good home, and I have the other two in a diy cloner. My stealth cloner setup still makes me laugh.
My first grow I have made a fuckload of mistakes, but have also learned what I have done wrong and done my best to correct the problems. But, this grow isnt over yet, and I still have time to work on things.
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