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Sad news, I am high for my last time for 3 years


Active member
what about blood tests? can you do anything to beat those? is MJ only in urine sample for 30 days... stays longer in the blood stream?


THC is stored in your fat cells. B12, niacin, creatine...isn't all of that shit involved with turning your piss yellow in an attempt to dilute? The only actual way to "cleanse" your body would be to burn off fat cells with THC in them and then replace them with new clean fat cells. I.E a two weeks before exercise heavily for about 5 days and then slam a bunch of shitty food the next 5. Dilution methods work but aren't too reliable.


THC is stored in your fat cells. B12, niacin, creatine...isn't all of that shit involved with turning your piss yellow in an attempt to dilute? The only actual way to "cleanse" your body would be to burn off fat cells with THC in them and then replace them with new clean fat cells. I.E a two weeks before exercise heavily for about 5 days and then slam a bunch of shitty food the next 5. Dilution methods work but aren't too reliable.

i would be cocktoast. move . cali is the best option better to live free than in fear.


Pleasantly dissociated
To the op: I would suggest doing the time instead doing much more time with a monkey on your back, I specifically asked the judge my only time in adult court to not give me probation I would take the jail sentence, probation is there to get you not to help you.

this is smart if yer guilty as fuck and know it and ya do it from the timer you are arrested, they always drop chrages way down offer ya time served , just to keep all the bull shit trials down, i sat in county a few months and was best thing i ever did, this was few years back, and fuck id still be on probation or be in jial for breaking probation, get that shit over with and out of the way, probation is a raquet, they take all yer money and violate ya at the end, then say wait no jail more paper, then add more years, then violate ya again and ya do the whole 5 years anyway, good luck

or ya just start smoking crack like they want ya too , so ya can break more laws so the machine gets fed more

ever realize probation turns perfectly good pot heads into coke heads, cause yer clean on monday after partying on friday,peace


wizzinator =whizzinator(with a H) ?....the fake penis? ...i thought they got busted and didnt make anymore???? if they do...where can they be bought?....i WANT one!!!!!!!....pm me if you have too(cause admin dosnt like advertising products i think) i'd be set and so happy like a man with a new penis !!!! .HH. =]-~

you can still find them online as a novelty, look on craig's. last place i saw 'em. let's see


here's one where it is used as a strap on


now go get 'em

oh and btw if you were to be in a medical state(are you?) you could ask you doctor for marinol and they give you your legal reason to be dirty.



while on the subject of the "whizzinator"...if you cant buy them which i dont think you can anymore(i may be wrong and would love to be proved wrong)

if any ones got one they want to sell... if you cant buy them i'd think very seriously about buying a 2nd hand one then......

the plastic bottle i used for the substitution method is a bit scary to use...

..i'd love to go into the pee test with someones dirty old penis in my pants.HH. =]-~

you should be lovin ohgee right about now. see my above post



the Rock

Active member
synthetic urine has worked for me on my last couple of tests/ comes with a warmer to heat it up to body temp

Moldy Dreads

Active member
I am going to attempt to beat it. But I really just do not see it happening. If I tried to use the fake penis thing, if I got caught that would be a instant violation. I am going to try to drink a ton of water and take vitamins before it and try to dilute it. I am fairly active so I have a chance hahaha.
Not really but I will try!

Water dilutes the result and they know it, I tried it, it doesn't work. Vitamins either, that's all a wive's tale, you will fail. The best is Quick Fix or something, a fake urine that will pass..everything else is waste of time and stress if you smoke daily or weekly.


i was on probation for 2 years... all i did was exercise regularly for about 30 mins to an hour 5 times a week... stopped smoking about a week before my meeting... never tested dirty...


Non Conformist
Take a look at the thread: Comprehensive guide for passing a drug test. Follow -ALL- the directions very carefully! BC


Get an RX for Protonix. It is used for treating acid reflux....and tests positive.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I have passed with a three day off period. Buy the detox green tea from the vitamin cottage and drink a half gallon a day with as much water as I could get down. Then replenished with vitamin b12 and some sobe energy with the creatine about 12 hrs before the test. Works like a charm. I was on probation for two years here in Colorado and I had no problem smoking and eating MMJ and hot tests with my card.

this is a great idea. Also add a ton of exersise to your plan. THC sticks to fat molecules so the higher your metabolism the better. The key is to sweat it out. It helps alot. I have passed a drug test with in 20 hours of smoking. I drank the detox drink made for extra huge people.

Owl Mirror

Active member
About 30–35% of the weight of hempseed is hempseed oil or hemp oil, an edible oil that contains about 80% essential fatty acids (EFAs); i.e., linoleic acid, omega-6 (LA, 55%), alpha-linolenic acid, omega-3 (ALA, 22%), in addition to gamma-linolenic acid, omega-6 (GLA, 1–4%) and stearidonic acid, omega-3 (SDA, 0–2%). Hempseed also contains about 20% of a highly-digestible protein, where 1/3 is edestin and 2/3 are albumins. Its amino acid profile is close to "complete" when compared to more common sources of proteins such as meat, milk, eggs and soy.[19] The proportions of linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid in one tablespoon (15 ml) per day of hemp oil easily provides human daily requirements for EFAs. Unlike flaxseed oil, hemp oil can be used continuously without developing a deficiency or other imbalance of EFAs.[20] This has been demonstrated in a clinical study, where the daily ingestion of flaxseed oil decreased the endogenous production of GLA.[20]

Hempseed is an adequate source of calcium and iron. Whole hempseeds are also a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese.

Hempseed contains no gluten and therefore would not trigger symptoms of celiac disease.


Nutiva Sampler Pack Ingredients @ $39.99- and FREE shipping !
15 oz Coconut Oil*
8 oz Hemp Oil*
10 oz Hempseed*
1.1 oz Hemp Protein*
1.1oz HempShake™ Berry Pom*
1.1 oz HempShake™ Amazon Acai*
1.1 oz HempShake™ Chocolate*
1 Hempseed Bar*
1 Flax Raisin Bar*
1 Flax Chocolate Bar

* USDA Certified organic




Clinical Studies Support Long-term Health Benefits: http://www.healing-source.com/hfwl/

Good Luck !


no wuckin furries!
you can still find them online as a novelty, look on craig's. last place i saw 'em. let's see


here's one where it is used as a strap on


now go get 'em

oh and btw if you were to be in a medical state(are you?) you could ask you doctor for marinol and they give you your legal reason to be dirty.


im in australia...so no med state :mad: ....but if those shops are for real(just woke up and will look at them better later) thats FANTASTIC...i searched and searched ect and found nothing other than they arnt sold anymore ..good shit:muahaha:

you should be lovin ohgee right about now. see my above post



so what will it be a spring or summer wedding? :kissass:

Don't use a pregnant womans urine, unless ofcourse you happen to be a pregnant woman ;>}


pc too slow to attempt to watch it.....(could even be what im saying?)

cheech and chong....funny shit ...pregnant sisters piss..and bag full of salt mistaken as coke...back to the sisters piss to wash the salt out of his mouth...funny shit. :laughing:

if i can get one of these you are my hero!!! and you can now sit back and know a med user can now keep on smoking without fear cause a family court judge(in my case) is ignorant about cannabis...shit even when i was busted with 80 plants and didnt go to jail the judge there didnt ask me to stop smoking but could empathize with me ...

SORRY op...for helping take your thread a little off track!!! though i wish the the best of luck with the fuked up 3 years of tests...im in the same boat too with 3 years of tests(2.5 now)but dont look at jail time if im busted.....i have to send off test results to my ex.....so if i fail test which i pay for i can just go to another testing place and get it done again until i get the test result i want!!!....but now ive got my ex not even giving me my kids even thou she got a drug free test(that i subbed)...today she will receive a registered post letter from me as will her lawyer notifying them of legal action...hope she wakes the fuk up and just does the right thing...not bad for a woman whos tryed every drug as she boasts ...me ex drinker and dope smoker hmmmm?

all the best .HH. =]-~

the Rock

Active member
Water dilutes the result and they know it, I tried it, it doesn't work. Vitamins either, that's all a wive's tale, you will fail. The best is Quick Fix or something, a fake urine that will pass..everything else is waste of time and stress if you smoke daily or weekly.

your right= synthetic urine is the only surefire way to pass any test