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Sad news, I am high for my last time for 3 years


I am on probation and I go to fail my first drug test Thursday. I only get 1 chance to fail, after that I have to take classes etc.. I do not want to do that so I have to quit smokeing after tonight.

I am very very sad right now. Not looking forward to it.:fsu:
instead of feeling sorry about it, why not try to find a way to beat the test?

i know plenty of ICers have methods they use to beat tests. Keep your chin up man. Get to thinking and you'll come up with something.


I am going to attempt to beat it. But I really just do not see it happening. If I tried to use the fake penis thing, if I got caught that would be a instant violation. I am going to try to drink a ton of water and take vitamins before it and try to dilute it. I am fairly active so I have a chance hahaha.
Not really but I will try!


Long haired country boy
I failed my drug tests for the first 4 months of pre-trial release, and hadn't been smoking the whole time, don't go crazy drinking water, because where I live at least a dilute sample is still a fail. The past 10 months have been pretty shitty for me, The dreams( when I could finally get to sleep) for the first couple of months were so real it was almost scary, I have a 30% mobility disability and herb is the only thing that helped me through the night.

I am now a mmj patient( wish I was at the time) and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, as soon as my card comes I have the green light. Hopefully you can get on unsupervised probation and continue on with your life how you see fit.

stay up, funk


Non Conformist
Don't give up yet!

Don't give up yet!

Do a search here for beating a drug test. There's one that will teach you how to properly flush yer system out and still make it look as though you haven't in there eyes. You'll know you have the right thread if they tell ya ta use creatine ( 24-48 hours ahead ) and gator aid to help cover yer tracks.... This will work! I've done it myself, several times. Hang in there man, we got ya covered! :woohoo: Best of luck! BC


no wuckin furries!
heres my experience > http://icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=141241

but to save you reading it...my stuff up was as BC mentioned the creatinine lvls....you may come up as no drugs in your system with flushing but will fail from being too diluted :wallbash: .

You'll know you have the right thread if they tell ya ta use creatine ( 24-48 hours ahead ) BC

1st have a search for the methods that may help you (search here and google it too for other sites)...if from searching you cant find what you need im sure ppl here can point you in the right direction or Pm me and i'll look to see if any of the threads ive saved from the net may help you?...but i mainly concentrated on substitution...which as you said if ya get busted ect...ect...

once i never knew or payed it a second thought but have so much empathy for all us pee testers!!! all the best!!! .HH. =]-~

P.S........get yourself some THC pee test strips( i havnt done that myself yet) then you'll have some idea if you decide to cheat if you are going to pass or fail and you can relax a little.
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Big D

I have been on felony probation for 2 years and not once has anyone looked at my penis while I pissed. Get the wizzinator (atleast for your test thursday, don't be fucking stupid.
After that if you don't feel comfortable using something, then quit!

EDIT: Synthetic piss is the only guaranteed method.


no wuckin furries!
wizzinator =whizzinator(with a H) ?....the fake penis? ...i thought they got busted and didnt make anymore???? if they do...where can they be bought?....i WANT one!!!!!!!....pm me if you have too(cause admin dosnt like advertising products i think) i'd be set and so happy like a man with a new penis !!!! .HH. =]-~


no wuckin furries!
while on the subject of the "whizzinator"...if you cant buy them which i dont think you can anymore(i may be wrong and would love to be proved wrong)

if any ones got one they want to sell... if you cant buy them i'd think very seriously about buying a 2nd hand one then......

the plastic bottle i used for the substitution method is a bit scary to use...

..i'd love to go into the pee test with someones dirty old penis in my pants.HH. =]-~


I have passed with a three day off period. Buy the detox green tea from the vitamin cottage and drink a half gallon a day with as much water as I could get down. Then replenished with vitamin b12 and some sobe energy with the creatine about 12 hrs before the test. Works like a charm. I was on probation for two years here in Colorado and I had no problem smoking and eating MMJ and hot tests with my card.


I have been on felony probation for 2 years and not once has anyone looked at my penis while I pissed. Get the wizzinator (atleast for your test thursday, don't be fucking stupid.
After that if you don't feel comfortable using something, then quit!

EDIT: Synthetic piss is the only guaranteed method.

i was on formal probation when i was 16 and my dick was looked at while i was peeing in a cup...



no wuckin furries!
http://www.google.com/search?sourcei...re+whizzinator ??????

whats the link for really????? thats the info ive found....what point are you making?

i just had a so called supervised piss test and poured my own pre frozen "clean" piss from a bottle....and didnt get bust like this "Tom Sizemore " guy (who ever he is? :D)....a plastic penis would have stopped me from shitting myself and splashing piss all over me and the floor as i was shaking as i put the lid on the sample container :D

thanks.HH. =]-~


How can you be busted for the manufacture of fake ding dongs?What would the charge be?I have to see if the whizzinators site is still up


meditest.com or something, google meditests, they have the dip type THC tests for less than a dollar each, plus shipping is reasonable too, i wana say for 10 bucks u can get 7 tests and shipped too.


if you are caught useing the rubber dick it is a instant violation of probation and I will go to prison for 3 years. Sorry I would rather not take that chance


i used the creatine + gatorade method.. stopped smoking rougly 72 hour's prior to the test (i was smoking about 1.5g/day up until 72 hours before the test).. im very active and im good shape and i still failed the test...
another time i'd do a shot of vinnegar every 1 hour and drink rougly 1L of water/hour along with various vitamin's for 48 hours leading up to the test.. aaaaaaannnnddd i failed
they found thc present in both samples
if you don't wanna fail the test the risk is not worth it imo.